Yemeni President still in power despite Houthi Rebel Presence?

Or, Is the Yemeni President in power and still alive because of the presence of Houthi rebels?Note the facts of what is ongoing in Yemen, please? From CNN today?Yemeni President still in power

Yemeni President Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi still considers himself to be in power, a Yemeni official briefed on the political situation told CNN on Wednesday.Despite the presence of rebel militiamen outside his home, the President doesn't consider himself a captive, the Yemeni official told CNN.He explained that the Houthis were assisting Hadi's security detail in their protection mission because part of the detail had "run away yesterday because of the fighting."A senior leader of the Houthi resistance movement, Abdullah Shabaan, gave a similar account. He told CNN that the "President's personal security left him, which forced us to gather hundreds of fighters from our security to ensure he is safe."

Recall in yesterday's post...  Yemen: Coup or Something Else? Smart Money says- Something ElseSmart money said it was something else and it sure looked as if smart money was the way to go!As I postulated yesterday:

What is actually on going in Yemen at this time? Did the Houthi rebels actually foil some sort of staged operation? Perhaps something the US and company were cooking up?  Were US backed participants, raiding and looting weapons to frame Houthi rebels? It's possible! Were US backed participants working to create a coup to blame Houthi rebels. Are we talking false flag here?

The events in Yemen were highly suspicious. And continue to be highly suspicious!