Will Corrupt Careerist Debbie Wasserman Schultz Eat The World?

I guess no one told Evan Morris-Santoro at Buzzfeed that the House Democrats had already dealt with Debbie Wasserman Schultz's out-sized ego before the new session had already begun. The overly ambitious and shockingly corrupt Wasserman Schultz-- who ostentatiously bucked leadership tradition by joining rather than rsigning from the anti-family/pro-corporate New Dems-- was given a track to the speakership in return for not causing an internal split in the caucus. Evan reported on a big fuss over Wasserman Schultz comments at Politico that she's on the make... as if anyone in Washington didn't already know that. "[S]he is planning to employ the nearly unrivaled Rolodex she’s built to turn it into political muscle in the Capitol-- for herself... It’s not clear what Wasserman Schultz wants-- she pointedly wouldn’t rule out running for leadership, governor or senator."Yes, she plans to use her connections from the DNC to accelerate her career. That could only surprise someone who hasn't watched her claw her way to the top inside the Florida Democratic Party-- where she practically assured the GOP would have half a dozen extra House seats in return for her, as a state senator, getting to draw her own safe district-- and then Inside-the-Beltway. Did anyone think she took that job out of loyalty to Barack Obama? Let's face it, Li'l Debbie is the epitome of the self-serving DC careerist and she was just the right person to wipe out any remaining vestiges of Howard Dean's goal of making the DNC into a vehicle for grassroots activism. Rahm and Li'l Debbie and the kind of sleazy political hacks who thrive on their kind of corruption could never exist in that kind of environment.After Pelosi leaves as House Democratic leader, it has been assumed that Hoyer is the next in line. But if he becomes Speaker, every proposed bill would be run through K Street and nothing would ever get accomplished. Wasserman Schultz, if anything, is even worse. Joe Crowley, a former head of the New Dems who gave up the job and quit that group to take a leadership role this year, is probably the single most corrupt Democrat in the House and was only saved from Ethics Committee repercussions for a Wall Street bribery charge by a deal that let 2 corrupt Republicans-- John Campbell and Tom Price-- walk free as well. He's also jonesin' for the gig. A worse bunch of snakes than Hoyer, Wasserman Schultz and Crowley won't be found anywhere between K Street, Wall Street and the corporate offices of the Fanjul brothers sugar empire. If there's any hope for a Pelosi style moderate Democrat winning the leadership, its Xavier Becerra, chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, an actual progressive, unlike the other 3 opportunists, and a former chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. Wasserman Schultz wants to place herself into her mentor Rahm Emanuel's dream of being the first Jewish Speaker. There are a lot more Hispanics in the Democratic Big Tent than Jews.

Played out to its logical end, a push for House leadership would pit Wasserman Schultz, who represents a Florida district in Congress, against Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland. Hoyer has long the next in line for Pelosi’s job as House Democratic leader, but Wasserman Schultz could seek to keep him from ascending to the top spot if Pelosi retires. Politico reported Wasserman Schultz "pointedly wouldn’t rule out running for [House] leadership, governor or senator [from Florida."The DNC Chairwoman’s relationship with the Obama political operation has long been strained-- though Obama asked her to stay on as DNC chair after he was reelected. The new comments prompted open anger from some Democratic quarters. Wasserman Schultz has been known to have a tenuous at best relationship with the Obama team in the past, though.One senior Democratic source said the White House was "absolutely outraged" by Wasserman Schultz’s comments in Politico.Another said Democrats in the House were just as upset. The source pointed to the number of "I, me or my" statements in the interview and said it reads like Wasserman Schultz thinks "others in leadership now don’t exist.""It’s a fucking car wreck," said a third prominent Democrat.

Yep, that's Debbie Wasserman Schultz-- a "fucking car wreck" wherever she schmeer some cream cheese and stick her nose.