Why Won't Ted Cruz Endorse The Senate's Guardian Of Gridlock?

It shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that Mitch McConnell is one of the dirty politicians in America-- not just in terms of taking massive legalistic bribes from special interests, but also in terms of how he runs his campaigns. Not just ruthless but sleazy and downright dishonest are words that describe his political career. Closet cases are often sociopaths and this kind of behavior is typical. A report in the right-wing propaganda sheet, the National Review reports that McConnell's campaign has already been threatening and trying to bribe the Tea Party candidate who's running against him in the GOP primary, businessman Matt Bevin. It's how Miss McConnell has chosen to live his life.

"Mitch McConnell’s people reached out to Matt for several months through all different avenues trying to convince him not to run," the adviser close to Bevin tells National Review Online. "They can pretend like they’re not afraid, they can call him a nuisance, but they were desperate not to have him. Because they are scared.""First they tried to threaten him," the source added, "and then they tried to dangle shiny political prizes."...The Bevin campaign knows they’re up against one of the most powerful Republicans in the country, but they are prepared to vigorously attack McConnell’s record."He’s going to need to defend his record," says Bevin adviser Nachama Soloveichik  of McConnell. "We have binders and binders as well. Every binder they have, I’ll match them two binders."Benton told NRO yesterday that "we have a very, very thick, plentiful opposition-research book on this guy [Bevin] that is just full of disqualifying material.""[He] voted for all the bailouts," Soloveichik says, "voted for amnesty, voted to raise the debt ceiling at least nine times. He orchestrated the boondoggle debt ceiling deal of 2011. He voted for higher taxes. He’s been one of the biggest culprits of bigger spending. He’s been a pork king. He voted for bridge to nowhere. The list goes on and on."Look for the Bevin campaign to highlight McConnell’s record on those issues. They will focus on McConnell’s vote for TARP in 2008, and the $41,000 he received in donations from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and those company’s employees as of 2008. They will criticize his votes for comprehensive immigration reform in 1986 and 2006 (McConnell voted against such bills in 2007 and voted against the Gang of Eight bill), arguing they show support for amnesty. And they will point out how, over the past 13 years, he has nine times voted to hike the debt ceiling.

We started covering Bevin last February when Tea Party groups in Kentucky started encouraging him to run against McConnell and today he made it official that he is challenging McConnell from the right. There have been plenty of rumors that the Club for Growth (which has demanded that McConnell sign a letter by neo-fascist Mormon nihilist Mike Lee promising not to fund the government unless ObamaCare is halted), the Heritage Foundation's PAC and DeMint's personal hate machine, Senate Conservatives Fund, as well as the nut-ball Madison Project are all on the verge of announcing they will back Bevin and against the institutional insider. Team McConnell, already running scared despite the $10 million in bribes he has in his warchest, attacked Bevon out of the box as "not a Kentucky conservative, he is merely an East Coast con man.” Maybe that's because a PPP survey this spring found McConnell with "an abysmal job approval rating with 54% disapproving and just 36% approving of his performance... Kentucky voted for Romney by 23 points last fall, but Mitch McConnell is almost as unpopular as President Obama in his home state."Bevin's first press release noted that "The 2014 U.S. Senate race has barely begun and already it’s the same old Mitch McConnell with nothing but smear tactics and misleading the public about his opponents... Kentuckians deserve a conservative leader in the Senate instead of one who slings mud and misleads the public." He was reacting the a series of typically McConnell smears against his character-- and to the fact that even before Bevin had officially declared he was running, McConnell started running his trademark negative TV ads against him, hoping to define and tar him before Kentucky voters could learn anything about him for themselves.UPDATE: McConnell Is Pissing Off CruzRight-wingers are furious that McConnell is telling Republican senators to "unsign" Lee's letter threatening to close down the whole government and bankrupt the country if Obama doesn't agree to end Obamacare. Nihilists are counting on that letter... for something.