Why The Inland Empire Congressional Race Is In The National Spotlight This Year

If you're a Blue America member, you already saw the letter we sent out from Eloise Reyes, the progressive running to win the bluest seat in America held by a Republican, CA-31, the Inland Empire (San Bernardino, Uplands, Rancho Cucamonga, Redlands, Loma Linda, Colton). A typical DCCC misstep-- backing an empty suit who is too conservative for the district, Pete Aguilar-- cost the Democrats this D+5 district in 2012. Aguilar was beaten by two Republicans and because of him there was no Democrat on the general election ballot when Obama beat Romney 57-41%. Instead, the district is "represented" by an extreme right wing multimillionaire from Arkansas, Gary Miller, a Tea Party dream. Recent polling shows that whichever Democrat wins the primary, Miller will be toast in 2014.Steve Israel forced the DCCC to get behind last year's loser, Aguilar, even though the voters in the district already signaled that he's not a candidate they can back. Fortunately, Eloise Reyes is. Here's the letter she wrote for Blue America members the other day. If you contribute to her campaign here, you automatically become a member as well, regardless of how much you give.

This year, the Inland Empire of California has an opportunity to elect someone who has lived the American Dream. As a young girl of 12, I worked in the onion fields alongside my brothers and sisters to help the family survive. I went on to work my way through college and law school, spent more than 20 years building a law practice and serving as a pro-bono legal aid attorney in my community. I know what it is to work hard and build a life in America's great middle class. And I'm running for Congress to take make sure that my child-- and all children-- will have the same opportunities I had.I think America needs representatives in Congress who will fight to expand Social Security, not cut it, so that people can feel free to create a business, start different careers, move to a new place without having to worry that they will end up in poverty in their old age if their risks don't pay off. I think America wants leaders who will stand up for immigrants, veterans and the disabled when it comes time to vote for a budget. I believe America is looking for someone who will look out for our  kids and grandkids and ensure they have the best start in life we can possibly give them.These are the fundamental values of the Democratic Party I grew up in and they are the fundamental values I will live by if I am elected. I'm a progressive and I think this country needs progressive representation in the U.S. Congress.That's why I'm asking you to support me in this congressional race, even if you don't live in my district. I'll fight for you right alongside my own constituents because I know that we are all in this together.If we work together, I truly believe that progressives like us can change the course of our politics and restore the American Dream for the next generation. We owe it to them to do our best.From the bottom of my heart, thank you!Sincerely,Eloise Gomez Reyes