Why Elizabeth Warren Is Backing Brian Schatz Instead Of Colleen Hanabusa

Yesterday, one of the least progressive organizations working on behalf of Democrats, EMILY's List, sent out an e-mail to their followers-- most of whom are convinced that EMILY's List is still a thorpughly progressive outfit as it was years ago-- entitled "Elizabeth Warren's Footsteps." They are attempting to raise money, primarily to pay their own bloated salaries, but also to push their awful, conservative candidates, like New Dem Colleen Hanabusa, who they are running against progressive Senator Brian Schatz. Schatz is demonstrably better than Hanabusa on every issue, including every issue of women's choice and women's health. Thanks, EMILY"s List.-- for trying to equate this grotesquely corrupt and reactionary with Elizabeth Warren, America's hope for a brighter future.Apparently, Elizabeth noticed the creepy EMILY's List e-mail seeking to imply she supports all their deadfall conservative candidates, right along with the handful of progressives-- like Erin Bilbray, Eloise Reyes, Carol Shea-Porter, Shenna Bellows and Kelly Westlund-- they happen to back. Most of their candidates are a motley array of dreadful Blue Dogs and New Dems, embarrassing for any organization wanting to call itself "progressive." She immediately sent this to her own list so there would be no misunderstanding about who she wants to see win in Hawaii:

Hi everyone,

There are plenty of people in Washington looking out for the billion dollar corporations and lobbying for Wall Street.

But you want to know who doesn’t have an army of lawyers and lobbyists? Working families.

Think about this for a second: Right now, the government is giving away billions of dollars in subsidies to Big Oil companies-- some of the most profitable companies on the planet. But at the exact same time, the government is making billions of dollars in profit off our kids’ student loans.

Senator Brian Schatz is precisely the kind of Democrat we need fighting to level the playing field for working families. He’s fighting for an economy where we put the conditions in place so every kid in Hawaii and across the country has a chance to succeed.

Make a donation right now to help keep my friend Brian Schatz in the U.S. Senate to fight for what we believe in.

Brian holds the same commitment as I do to make sure college is a path to opportunity, not a road to crushing debt. He knows that student loans are stopping more and more young people from moving out of their parents' homes, starting small businesses, or making purchases that grow our economy.

Together, Brian and I just introduced the Bank on Students Emergency Loan Refinancing Act to let people refinance existing student loans to today’s lower interest rates. It’s just one way that we can put real money back into young people’s pockets and give them a little bit of relief.And Brian Schatz is fighting for what’s right in so many other ways too. On Social Security, equal pay, clean energy, and so many other issues, Brian is leading the charge to put working families above special interests.

When we stand together, we can make change on the issues we care about. Let’s stand with Brian Schatz. 

Make a contribution by June 1st to keep Brian Schatz in the U.S. Senate so he can continue to fight for working families in Hawaii and across the country.
Thank you,
Elizabeth Warren
U.S Senator

You can contribute to Brian Schatz's campaign here. There's even an EMILY's List endorsee on the page. But don't hold it against her; she's a great candidate anyway-- like Elizabeth Warren. EMILY's List is giving away Elizabeth Warren's book to raise money for candidates like Hanabusa whose vision is the antithesis of Warren's. Maybe they should keep one of the books and read it. Maybe pass it around among the staffers even.