Why Democrats Don’t Want Joe Biden to Debate President Trump

According to famed neoliberal New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, Joe Biden should be kept away from any Presidential debates with Donald Trump unless various conditions can be met. He explains:
“I worry about Joe Biden debating Donald Trump. He should do it only under two conditions. Otherwise, he’s giving Trump unfair advantages.”
Friedman has also excused the 77 year-old Biden’s conspicuous disappearance from public life as due to coronavirus:
“Because of Covid-19, Biden has been sticking close to home, wearing a mask and social distancing. And with the coronavirus now spreading further, and Biden being a responsible individual and role model, it’s likely that he won’t be able to engage with any large groups of voters before Election Day. Therefore, the three scheduled televised debates, which will garner huge audiences, will carry more weight for him than ever.”
The reality is something much more fundamental: Joe Biden simply cannot speak ‘off the cuff’ for more than a few minutes. It’s not that he doesn’t want to, it’s more likely that he’s both mentally and physically unable to do so.
Is this really the Democrat Party’s best person to put forward as President of the United States of America?
According the Tucker Carlson, Democrats want to hide their presumptive Presidential nominee until Election Day. Watch:

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