This is why CNN and all mainstream media must apologize for FAKE NEWS Syria chemical attack

The alleged horrific gas attack in the Idlib Governorate of Syria has now been fully debunked as fake news. This has not stopped CNN and many (if not all) mainstream media outlets to push the “Assad gassed his own people” lie once again.
Remember this fake news in 2013…

We refer all readers to visit and share Paul Antonopoulos post, “Jumping to conclusions; something is not adding up in Idlib chemical weapons attack“, which does a very thorough job tearing apart the ridiculous notion that Assad and/or Russian jets launched a sarin chemical attack on innocent civilians in Idlib.

White Helmets hanging around a sarin gas zone, handling people with no gloves or proper equipment.
Via the CDC website: Following release of sarin into the air, people can be exposed through skin contact or eye contact. They also can be exposed by breathing air that contains sarin. A person’s clothing can release sarin after it has come in contact with sarin vapor, which can lead to exposure of other people. Even a small drop of sarin on the skin can cause sweating and muscle twitching where sarin touched the skin.
The conclusion is another White Helmets (aka ISIS/Al Qaeda) false flag that is easily debunked, should the mainstream media care to investigate, or use even a scintilla of logic and deductive reasoning. Instead what we see is the western “democracies” coming out in support of Al Qaeda and ISIS…how did that work out for them on September 11, 2001?

Merely hours after the alleged chemical weapons attack in Khan Sheikhun, supposedly by the Syrian government, holes are beginning to emerge from opposition sources, discrediting the Al-Qaeda affiliated White Helmets claims.
For one, seen in the above picture, the White Helmets are handling the corpses of people without sufficient safety gear, most particularly with the masks mostly used , as well as no gloves. Although this may seem insignificant, understanding the nature of sarin gas that the opposition claim was used, only opens questions.
Within seconds of exposure to sarin, the affects of the gas begins to target the muscle and nervous system. There is an almost immediate release of the bowels and the bladder, and vomiting is induced. When sarin is used in a concentrated area, it has the likelihood of killing thousands of people. Yet, such a dangerous gas, and the White Helmets are treating bodies with little concern to their exposed skin. This has to raise questions.
It also raises the question why a doctor in a hospital full of victims of sarin gas has the time to tweet and make video calls. This will probably be dismissed and forgotten however.

Terrorist Mohammed Alloush is not a gas expert, he is just one of the participants in the crime#Idlib #Syria
— maytham (@maytham956) April 4, 2017

@maytham956 Hmm…'Patients are flooding in' YET this 'doctor' (seems the main source of 'gas attack') has time to film, tweet and videocalls…#Syria
— Malinka (@Malinka1102) April 4, 2017

The Duran’s Adam Garrie has also fully debunked the chemical attack with…
1. LOGIC. We refer you to read, “3 reasons why reports of a Syrian chemical weapons attack on Idlib are fake news.
2. FACT: We refer you to read, “CONFIRMED: Chemical weapons in Idlib were stashed by terrorists.

Russian Defence Ministry spokesman Major-General Igor Konashenkov has confirmed that yesterdays ‘chemical attack’ near Idlib was not a chemical attack at all.
The Syrian Air Force targeted a chemical weapons depot belonging to terrorists operating illegally in Syria. The terrorist stockpile of chemical weapons at Khan Sheikhoun were often shipped to fellow terrorists operating in Iraq. This has been confirmed by the Iraqi government.
This of course is in line with a statement made yesterday by Syria which affirmed that Syria no longer has any chemical weapons, something confirmed by both Russia and the United States in 2013.
This makes Rex Tillerson’s statement saying that both Russia and Iran bear ‘moral responsibility’, rather silly, to borrow a word from Sean Spicer.
Russia and Iran had nothing to do with the incident in any way shape or form and Syria cannot be blamed for the fact that its terrorist enemies have hoarded stockpiles of illegal chemical weapons.
The moral responsibility is squarely on the heads of the terrorists who have themselves used chemical weapons in places like Aleppo over the course of the conflict.

The Duran readers: How does this make you feel?

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