Who? Gov. Kris KrispyKeme -- a BULLY? You must be thinking of someone else! (Probably that #%^& bum Obama. "Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!")

by KenYou've seen Media Matters' Hannah Groch-Begley's report on Fox Noise's "coverage" of the new development in the burgeoning scandals of NJ Gov. Kris KrispyKreme, "Fox Keeps Christie Scandal Buried as New Allegations Emerge," right?First Hannah catches us up on MSNBC's report of the new allegations by Hoboken Mayor

MSNBC: "Christie Camp Held Sandy Relief Money Hostage, Mayor Alleges." MSNBC's Steve Kornacki reported on the morning of January 18 that according to a New Jersey mayor, two senior members of Christie's administration threatened to hold Hurricane Sandy relief money hostage until the mayor approved a redevelopment plan favored by the governor. The new allegations came in the wake of the Christie administration's bridge scandal, in which high-ranking Christie aides were revealed to have apparently caused a massive traffic jam on the George Washington Bridge as political retribution. From MSNBC:
Two senior members of Gov. Chris Christie's administration warned a New Jersey mayor earlier this year that her town would be starved of hurricane relief money unless she approved a lucrative redevelopment plan favored by the governor, according to the mayor and emails and personal notes she shared with msnbc.The mayor, Dawn Zimmer, hasn't approved the project, but she did request $127 million in hurricane relief for her city of Hoboken -- 80% of which was underwater after Sandy hit in October 2012. What she got was $142,000 to defray the cost of a single back-up generator plus an additional $200,000 in recovery grants. 

Then she gives us the numbers represented in the chart at the top of this post, under the head, Fox Buries New Christie Revelations, Focuses on Benghazi.Yes: "The Day The Story Broke, Fox Mentioned Christie Three Times, New Allegations Only Once." (The other two mentions: "Sen. Angus King's (I-ME) statement that if Hillary Clinton was responsible for Benghazi, Christie is responsible for the bridge scandal," and "a segment about Christie campaigning in Florida for Gov. Rick Scott that did not mention the scandals."Hannah points out: "Fox Has Attempted To Diminish And Dismiss Christie Scandal." First:"Fox Previously Buried The Christie Bridge Scandal With Less Than 15 Minutes Of Coverage." And: "Fox's Scant Coverage Of The Christie Bridge Scandal Attempted To Deflect To Benghazi, IRS."I trust we don't have to go into Benghazi again, pointing out that it's not an actual Obama administration scandal, just a gleam in the eye of Republican pathological liars and loonies, who never remember the Republican role in de-budgeting worldwide U.S. embassy security or Republicans' absolute and total lack of interest in any previous attack on a U.S. embassy.And at the same time the liars and loons are pretending that Benghazi is the latest in a series of scandals -- nearly all manufactured in their vicious, defective brains -- they turn a blind eye, a deaf ear, and a stopped-dead brain on the 24/7 crime wave and assault on decency being waged by right-wingers. Watch the lying loons make believe that Governor KripsyKreme's problem is limited to a little traffic snafu, which nobody can pin on him personally, conveniently forgetting how resolutely the Right-Wing Noise Machine and its cronies in the infotainment noozemedia stonewalled on the story until, by the most extraordinary chance and the most extraordinary KrispyKronies' stupity, out of the mist emerged the e-mails that suddenly showed that yes indeedy, there was a GWB scandal traceable to the highest reaches of the governor's inner circle.Watch they lying loons pretend that there's nothing else for Governor KrispyKreme to answer for, conveniently forgetting that bullying has been the invariable modus operandi of the KrispyKreme KrimeWave. Some of the bolder LLs will go so far as to pretend that NJ Fats isn't a bully, and to prove it they point to polls that show NJ-ites don't believe he's a bully. Well, the Noise Machine has worked very hard to create a critical mass of NJ morons, but if you don't know that NJ Fats is a bully, really, how clueless are you?Next they'll be claiming that the Right-Wing Noise Machine just goes out into the streets to round up miscellaneous morons to be its noozers. Oh wait, that part could be true.

January 20, 2014MAYORS BULLIED BY CHRISTIE FORM SUPPORT GROUPPosted by ANDY BOROWITZNEWARK (The Borowitz Report) -- A support group for mayors bullied by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie held its first meeting today at the Prudential Center arena, in Newark.Organizers of the gathering pronounced themselves pleased with the turnout, as bullied officeholders from all over the state filled the eighteen-thousand-seat venue.The support group was the brainchild of Carol Foyler, the bullied mayor of Sea Ridge, New Jersey."All of these mayors have their own painful stories to share," Mayor Foyler said. "We wanted to give them a safe space to do that."The event was interrupted fifteen minutes in, however, when power to the Prudential Center was abruptly cut off, plunging the arena into darkness.A spokesman from Gov. Christie's office said that the sudden power outage was part of a routine electricity study.
