White Woman Murdered by Group of Blacks In Indianapolis; Young Son Says, ‘I Wish They Didn’t Shoot My Mommy’.

White Lives Don’t Matter Says the Silence of NPR, CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, Washington Post
Her Name Is Wilma Hochstetler: White Woman Murdered by Group of Blacks In Indianapolis; Young Son Says, ‘I Wish They Didn’t Shoot My Mommy’.
More gratuitous murder of white people by blacks that goes unreported by anti-white liberal presstitute media.
Only black lives matter.  If you say white lives matter, it means you are a racist.  But it is not racist to say that white lives don’t matter.
How did the majority population get themselves in such a fix.  Are they asleep, stupid, weak, suicidal, masochistic?  Do white people enjoy being demonized?
The post White Woman Murdered by Group of Blacks In Indianapolis; Young Son Says, ‘I Wish They Didn’t Shoot My Mommy’. appeared first on PaulCraigRoberts.org.