White House Releases Agenda For Tuesday’s Historic Trump-Kim Summit

The White House has released the much-anticipated agenda of Tuesday’s Trump-Kim summit – which will be a one-day event after all – and discloses that Trump will meet with the North Korean leader tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m., after which the two presidents (or dictators according to Abby Huntsman) will participate in a one-on-one meeting, with translators only and no media, an expanded bilateral meeting, and a working lunch.
The U.S. delegation at tomorrow’s expanded meeting will also include Sec. of State Mike Pompeo, Chief of Staff John Kelly, and National Security Advisor John Bolton. Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, Ambassador Sung Kim, and National Security Council Senior Director for Asia Matt Pottinger will join for the working lunch.
And echoing Pompeo’s earlier comments that talks are going quicker than expected, Trump – just like Kim – is expected to depart Singapore tomorrow morning east coast time: “At the conclusion of the summit, President Trump will participate in a media availability before departing tomorrow at approximately 8 p.m. for the United States”.
Full statement below:

Statement Regarding the Summit Between the United States and North Korea
The discussions between the United States and North Korea are ongoing and have moved more quickly than expected.
President Donald J. Trump will meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. Following the initial greeting, Preside. Trump and Chairman Kim will participate in a one-on-one meeting, with translators only, an expanded bilateral meeting, and a working lunch.
The United States delegation at tomorrow’s expanded bilateral meeting will include Secretary of State Mile Pompeo, Chief of Staff John Kelly, and National Security Advisor John Bolton. Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, Ambassador Sung Kim, and National Security Council Senior Director for Asia Matt Pottinger will join for the working lunch.
At the conclusion of the summit, Preside. Trump will participate in a media availability before departing tomorrow at approximately 8 p.m. for the United States.”

Top Photo | Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump impersonators, Howard, left, and Dennis, right, (who only give their first name) stand side by side on a train to promote a music video they created in Hong Kong, Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2017. (AP Photo/Vincent Yu)
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