"White Helmet" Terrorists Get Visa for Oscars. Trumping the Travel Ban

 The White Helmets must have played their "Trump" card! to get in to the US

a decisive overriding factor or final resource —called also trump card

 The White Helmets are truly  trump like individuals

a dependable and exemplary person

Is the oscar nomination for special effects? Cause the White Helmets cinematographer is attending!  Yup, they have a cinematographer!  What else could on have expected? Cinematography = Special Effects= Fooling the audienceHere's a cinematographer who has made a series of brief video demonstrating the ease with which it's done  1st  &  2nd  White Helmets Get Visa to Travel to US for Oscar PsyopThe White Helmets going to the Oscars is perfect!- Their theatrics and production is pure Hollywood- So why not an Oscar nomination?

Two Syrian rescue workers said they plan to travel to next week's Oscar ceremony, where their documentary "The White Helmets" is nominated for an award, after weeks of uncertainty caused by US President Donald Trump's travel ban.

Raed Saleh, the leader of the White Helmets, and cinematographer Khaled Khatib have both obtained visas to travel to the US for the 26 February Academy Award ceremony in Los Angeles, producer Joanna Natasegara said.

"They both have valid visas. We remain cautious about the physical part of entering the country. Things had been very unclear until this point, but we are now being told they are welcome to enter," Natasegara said.

theatric production from brand white helmets Yet another theatre like production - that made their fakery obviousI wrote about these slime balls last year: Little Boy Rescued From Rubble? Coincidentally "White Helmets" Nominated for Nobel Peace PrizeWhite Helmets, Really?Link:Have you noticed that since Aleppo was liberated from terrorists, terrorists shipped out,  there have been no more White Helmet "rescue" videos? 

"You live in a world of illusion.
Where everything's peaches and cream
We all face a scarlet conclusion.
But we spend our time in a dream"

Steve Miller  BandFrom Earlier: A little more illusion for us all to break free of

Encore Presenation:The Weapon of Mass Migration: RCMP aids illegals/McDonalds cares??