Weekly Wrap Up

It’s the weekend, and I’ve decided to write my first ever Weekly Wrap Up post. I’ve been thinking about doing this sort of post for a while now. I’d like to briefly review some of the posts here on The Realist Report over the course of the past week, highlight a couple news items, and offer some opinions and thoughts about various topics. Here goes!
First off, I hope you all had a great week! On Monday, I had James Lancia, a former Bridgeport, Connecticut police officer and author of Downtown White Police, on the program to discuss his book, the current state of law enforcement in America, political correctness, and related matters. James has a great YouTube channel – check it out and subscribe if you aren’t already. It really was an awesome show, one of the more enjoyable ones I’ve done in a while. Both segments are worth listening to. Here is the introductory segment and here is the Subscribers Only segment. Check them out!
I also had my good friend Mike King from TomatoBubble.com on this week as well. Mike and I discussed his latest book The British Mad Dog: Debunking the Myth of Winston Churchill and other aspects of WWI and WWII. In order to understand what is happening in the world today, one needs a proper understanding of both WWI and WWII, and Mike King has done great work in this area. Again, both segments are well worth listening to. The introductory segment is here and the Subscribers Only segment is here.
On Friday, I appeared as a guest on The Daily Traditionalist with Matt Heimbach. It’s always a real honor and pleasure to speak with Matt. You can find that program here. We focused primarily on the Trump campaign and how he truly is representing the forces of nationalism and populism, while Hillary Clinton and the neocons who have dominated the Republican Party for decades represent the forces of internationalism. Trump has totally undermined political correctness in America and has opened up space for formerly marginalized and demonized ideas to gain mainstream acceptance, a topic I blogged about this week as well.
Speaking of Trump, I came across this video the other day on Twitter. Check it out!

Even if you think Trump is a “puppet” (I do not), the main point that needs to be understood is that he has fundamentally changed the game politically in America, certainly for this upcoming presidential election but likely permanently. And that is a very positive development indeed.
Moving along, there are a few news items I’d like to point out and highlight. The cultural Marxist assault on traditional America continues unabated, as the The Hill recently reported:

President Obama is opening a new front in the culture wars over gay and transgender rights — just in time for the 2016 elections.
Guidance from the Departments of Justice and Education that public schools should allow transgender students to use bathrooms that match their gender identity, and a separate civil rights lawsuit against a North Carolina transgender law, firmly put the White House and the Democratic party at the forefront of transgender rights.
The two dramatic moves provoked cries of support from the left and fury from the right, which decried the actions as further examples of executive overreach and social engineering they see as typical of Obama’s rule.
“If President Obama thinks he can bully Texas schools into allowing men to have open access to girls in bathrooms, he better prepare for yet another legal fight,” Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said.
Few saw a national fight over transgender rights emerging this summer.

How much longer are Americans going to put up with this madness?
The federal government is obviously hostile to the interests and traditions of America, and is hell-bent on forcing their sick, degenerate agenda on the rest of the country. The Obama administration is not only forcing their homosexual and transgender agenda on state and local governments, the State Department is also facilitating the resettlement of massive numbers of Third World refugees in America, an agenda covered extensively by Ann Corcoran and her website Refugee Resettlement Watch.
Earlier this week, news broke that a Scottish man had been arrested for making a video joking around about his girlfriend’s dog giving Nazi salutes. Yes, literally arrested for making a video.

How absurd that this man was arrested for this harmless video!
In a somewhat related incident, I came across an article published by the Jewish Telegraph Agency reporting that two Brazilian men were sentenced to 8 years of detention for posting “Nazi propaganda” on Facebook.
This is how ridiculous politically correct culture has become folks – you will literally be sent to jail if you joke about Hitler, Jews and the fake “Holocaust” narrative, or simply post information positively reflecting on “the Nazis” on the Internet.
I wonder what will happen to Tyson Fury, the British boxing champion, after a video emerged of him saying Jews run the media and banks and that the masses have been brainwashed by Jewish propaganda. Unsurprisingly, the Jews are in an uproar, demanding that he be barred from the sport. The full video is here:

It is time for “anti-Semitism”, i.e., the truth about the Jews and their evil agenda, to go mainstream. That process is already starting and will only continue in the coming weeks and months. More and more people are recognizing the Jewish stranglehold on Western civilization and its destructive effects. These truths need to be publicly accepted and openly discussed if we ever hope to return sanity and justice to our world.
And that concludes this first ever Weekly Wrap Up! I’ve got some good guests lined up this week, so stay tuned for more great podcasts!
As always, I want to thank everyone who has either subscribed to The Realist Report or donated to help support the work we’re doing here. Those of you who do appreciate the work we do, please consider subscribing. All of those details are here. Your subscription not only helps support our work here, it also grants you access to Exclusive Members Only Content on the website. If you’d rather simply make a one time donation, please visit our Donate page here.
Thanks for reading guys! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
John Friend

