Weekend Open Thread

by James Corbett
August 23, 2014
The media and the government are falling all over themselves to promote the latest ISIS (false flag) terror hype. First there was General Dempsey telling us that ISIS has an ‘End-Of-Days Strategic Vision’ and Hagel proclaiming ‘ISIS Beyond Anything We’ve Seen.’ Then Senator Inhofe told us they have a plan to “Blow Up An American City.” Now WGN seems to have identified that city as Chicago. All of this despite the fact that, lest we forget, John McCain has been photographed meeting with the ISIS/ISIL/IS leader and one of their main terrorists in Syria (pictured right). Is the next false flag event taking shape?
Meanwhile in Eastern Europe, NATO and the Ukrainian government are now telling us that Russia’s humanitarian convoy, which they attempted to stop at the border, now constitutes an invasion of Ukraine. Is this going to be the justification for NATO intervention?
Ferguson continues to boil over as protestors gather at the White House for a “day of rage.”
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