Week in review

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

Global warming might be real, but the Democrat’s solutions are not [link]
Republicans demand “greater transparency and government accountability” for social cost of carbon figure.  [link]
How Obama plans to bypass the Constitution again by not calling Paris climate agreement a treaty [link]
What if states just say ‘no’ to climate rule? [link]
Serious Doubts Over Europe’s Decarbonisation Pledge[link]
Twist on carbon footprinting ‘could unblock’ UN climate talks [link]
Pollution is changing the way China does politics: [link]
China: When Pollution Solutions Can Actually Damage the Environment [link]
China takes down documentary on pollution [link]
Bjorn Lomborg warns Bangladesh about ‘climate politics’ [link]
Greg Laden: Bjorn Lomborg Is Wrong About Bangladesh And Sea Level Rise [link]
The Hindu: ‘Indian Ocean sea-level is rising faster, but it is not alarming’ [link]
Mark Lynas: We must reclaim the climate debate from the political extremes [link]
“John Kerry Says Climate Science is as Settled as Gravity” [link]
Interesting guest post by Prof Halvard Buhaug for @CarbonBrief on linking climate change and conflict [link]
Naomi Klein thinks we need to “change pretty much everything about our economy” to avoid  CO2-induced bad weather [link]
Nigel Farage on consensus, conformism and the virtue of dissent [link]
approximately 60 million metric tons of food is wasted a year in the US, with an estimated value of $162 billion [link]
We need regenerative farming, not geoengineering [link]
Scientific advice versus public opinion. How do politicians make their decisions? [link]
Global carbon dioxide emissions stopped rising between 2013 and 2014, according to IEA: [link] …
Global emissions remained static in 2014 – for the first time in 40 years #CarbonBrief [link]
‘Getting to net-zero emissions’ by David Hone, chief climate advisor to @Shell [link]
“Obama’s War On Fossil Fuels Takes Toll On Energy Producers” [link]
Misguided biofuel mandates will cost American drivers some $10 billion this year [link]
Steven Chu slides from energy/climate presentation have some great elements: [link]
Science and research
New paper finds large calculation errors of solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere in climate models [link]
Willie  Soon’s latest paper on natural climate variability published in Nature Geoscience [link]
How do high-latitude volcanic eruptions affect climate? [link]
The ‘science’ of tree rings [link]
Link between Cosmic Ray Flux and Global Temperature found [link]
A link between hiatus in global warming and North American drought [link]
New paper finds Chinese climate dominated by natural ocean oscillations, shifting from PDO to AMO [link]
New paper suggests “a cooling trend in the deep ocean.”Trenberth’s “missing heat” still AWOL  [link]
Sea ice cover may be more stable than idealised modelling studies imply, says new research [link]
NSIDC: A month of simultaneous polar sea ice extremes: potentially record winter low Arctic max w/unusually high min in SH. [link]
“Eastern & High Arctic has regained (sea ice) coverage & thickness at near-normal levels” [link]
“Physics of clouds: Long-held ideas about turbulence disproven” [link]
Clive Best: Explaining the Pause: the IPCC scientists’ dilemma [link]
El Niño is here, but is unlikely to have a big global impact [link]
Interesting debates over the start of the #anthropocene. 1610? or 1964? [link]
Nice introductory article on entropy and the arrow of time. [link]
Here’s One Way to Reach Scientific Consensus [link]
Climate and science wars
Good article: Congressional climate inquisition threatens academic freedom [link]
Willie Soon’s Funding Sources & Disclosure Practices Unusual in #Climate Research  [link]
Michael Mann:  Slouching towards disaster [link]
(tweet) Sad news. World’s greatest climatologist [Jim Hansen] says Obama has run out of time to save the planet. [link]
Reiner Grundman on political polarization: This changes nothing – The Guardian campaign on climate change [link]
John Cook: Not too shabby for scholarly paper: over 300,000 downloads for @skepticscience 97% consensus paper [link]
Climate Audit: “even Andrew Weaver was tricked by @MichaelEMann’s IPCC 2001 hide-the-decline”   [link]
Pachauri Talks Ethics in Gender Justice Book [link]
The anti-GM lobby appears to be taking a page out of the Climategate playbook [link]
Brilliant NYT column on inconvenient science ignored by nutrition establishment [link]
Harvard historian of science on collapse of expert consensus over diet — “fat wars” as a wicked problem  [link]
How to manage someone who can’t handle ambiguity [link]
A disease of sciency-ness:  how misguided science fandom actually hurts scientists. [link]
JC note:  I am working on a post related to ‘Merchants of Doubt’, so you might want to hold your comments on that topic until my post early next week.Filed under: Week in review
