Week in review

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

Conservatives Don’t Hate Climate Change, They Hate The Proposed Solutions: [link]
David Ropeik: The danger of advocacy masquerading as science [link]
Breakthroughs in energy storage [link]
Must read exchange between @mattwridley and @mark_lynas about climate change and policy [link]
Climate Change Communication interview with Katherine Hayhoe [link]
“Predictions of warming-induced war more likely to result in higher military $$$ than lower fossil-fuel emissions” [link]
Recovered satellite images:Antarctic sea ice swung from near-record high ’64 to record low ’66 [link]
Superb article by Dan Voosen on Dan Kahan: Striving for a Climate Change [link]
Marcel Crok:  IPCC bias in action [link]
Cliff Mass: The U.S. is Falling Further Beyond in Numerical Weather Prediction: Does the Obama Administration [link]
Interesting new book:  “Mathematics and Climate” [link]
 Filed under: Week in review
