Week in review – science edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

New paper:  Norther hemisphere temperature patterns the last 12 centuries [link]
EOS: Atlantic sea ice could grow during the next decade [link]  …
Workshop Report: Sea level and ice sheet changes during past warm periods [link] …
The collapse of El Nino is underway: [link]
Rainforest regrowth boosts carbon capture [link]
The Atlantic Ocean Is Acidifying At A Rapid Rate [link]
Climate shifts upended the lives of prehistoric humans in Europe, according to scientists [link]
Hurricane Patricia’s top winds were 215 mph, 15 mph higher than previously thought. [link]
Climate scientist Richard Betts speaks: ‘It’s a bit complicated.’ [link] …
Arctic climate hype versus reality [link]
The fate and age of carbon – insights into the storage and remobilization dynamics in trees [link]
Researchers want a better system for fixing bad science [link] …
Reproducibility: A tragedy of errors http://www.nature.com/news/reproducibility-a-tragedy-of-errors-1.19264
An interesting review of peer review [link]
Bob Tisdale: How well do models simulate Earth’s climate? [link]  …
#ClimateAudit  shows more climate cherrypick. “Circumvent” divergence by sites 800 km distant [link]
Impact of unforced climate variability on TOA energy flux at local and global scales  [link]
On distributionally robust extreme value analysis [link]
Why some research can affect policy and some does not:[link]
Trends in atmospheric water vapor: where’s the positive feedback? [link]
How do you study the relationship between ice sheets and past sea level rise?
Good @CarbonBrief article on surface and satellite temps by @RozPidcock with @ed_hawkins @dougmcneall and Zeke [link]:  …
UC-Irvine is offering faculty up to $1,200 in “incentives” to attend a workshop..re: putting AGW in their courses [link]
Drilling for clues. Experts want to see the impact of one of the Earth’s strongest currents [link]
“THICK spring ice due to natural causes is currently the single biggest threat to polar bears”  [link]
How “Snowball Earth” volcanoes altered oceans to help kickstart animal life [link]
“Science journalists are not science advocates. And scientists aren’t science.” Great piece by @brookeborel. [link]
NAS Statement: The Architecture of Intellectual Freedom  [link]
If more social science professors start to behave like scholars, @JonHaidt will deserve much of the credit. [link] …
“No Dissent Allowed: U.S. Senators introduce amendment to muzzle climate ‘denial apparatus’ – Bernie Sanders  co-sponsors [link] …
 Filed under: Week in review
