Week in review – science edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

Climate Research: Could ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ happen? [link]
Interesting article in @NatureBiotech about attacks on scientists [link]
The lack of functioning weather service creates major hole in planning, esp for poor, climate-vulnerable countries http://j.mp/1Ohh9Aj
USGS puts the kibosh on ‘1000 year flood’ and ’caused by climate change’ claims over South Carolina flooding [link]
“CO2 emissions are making the Earth greener and more fertile, a United Nations (UN) climate scientist has said.” [link] …
New #IPCC chief calls for fresh focus on climate solutions, not problems [link]
How studying other planet’s climates can help us understand our own. Great article: [link] featuring carbonate thermostat
Carbon dioxide: the good news [link]
NASA’s @ClimateofGavin: Models attempting to put $ figure on climate change are “hopeless”: [link]
The anti free speech movement at UCLA [link]
“Global warming may help alleviate China’s drought & flooding problems as monsoons move north, scientists say” [link]
New study claims atmosphere drives AMO [link]  …
“The Fed’s $50 Billion Ethanol Mandate Is Actually HARMING the Environment”, increasing pollution [link] …
“France’s top TV meteorologist writes skeptic book, gets told not to come to work” [link] …
Pseudo-Historians Erase Scientists’ Early Caution on Global Warming @RupertDarwall [link] …
Scientists: No Need For “Economic Kamikaze Program In Paris” …2°C Warming Won’t Be Reached Even With IPCC Numb… http://bit.ly/1PdNzM4
Comparing sociology conf papers and final studies, and found reviewers forced more changes to theory than data [link]…
In @NatureGeosci, @kevinclimate criticizises #IPCC’s smooth 2C scenarios for being ‘unrealistic’ and ‘speculative’ [link]
New Lewandowsky paper. Ben Pile writes: It doesn’t seem unreasonable to suggest that the @royalsociety have gone batshit mad. [link] …
Like any other product of (diplomatic) negotiations, #IPCC SPM are ‘unreadable’. Won’t change [link] …
 Filed under: Week in review
