Week in review – science and technology edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

Missing heat (geothermal heat loss) found in the deep ocean [link]
New paper on upgrading soil models [link]
Don’t flip out: Earth’s magnetic poles aren’t about to switch  [link]
Scientist: Demotion of Free Speech at Yale Imperils Intellectual Advances  [link]
Naomi Oreskes is using the same merchant of doubt tactics she criticizes to advance a political agenda [link]
New oil spill solution sounds promising. [link]…
Extreme weather poses increasing risk to US power grid [link]
Ocean acidification not a current problem, top NOAA scientist insists in FOIA-ed e-mails [link]
Negative emissions: An assessments of key biophysical limits [link]
Why New England’s warm weather has nothing to do with global warming [link]
Jonathan Haidt: “the American academy has become a quasi-religious institution” [link]
Groundwater depletion adding to global sea-level rise [link]
New paper: attribution of extreme weather and climate-related events [link]
Pres. Obama: ‘Feel Free to Disagree With Somebody, But Don’t Try to Just Shut Them Up’  [link]
Scientists say we could be underestimating Arctic methane emissions [link]
The amazing surge in scientific hype [link]
Review:  Outlook on Migration, Environment and Climate Change [link]
Coastal marshes more resilient to #sealevelrise than previously believed [link]
Meltwater from Greenland may have added 25mm to global sea levels between 1900 – 2010 [link]
More people should know von Humboldt — one of the most creative scientific geniuses in history. [link] …
Accidental Geoengineering? Airline traffic may help create an icy haze that’s brightening U.S. skies [link]
This scientist uncovered problems w/ pesticides. Then the govt started to make his life miserable.  [like]
Better than wind, solar? Waste heat to power: Hottest new clean energy solution [link]
Salty sea spray affects cloud lifetimes [link]
New paper finds glacier on Antarctic Peninsula melted faster during Medieval Warm Period than at present [link] …
New paper finds Northern Canada has cooled over the past 1000 years [link]
“Evidence Of the Medieval Warm Period In Argentina”  [link]
“Heterogeneous communities restrain group excesses; homogeneous communities march toward the extremes.” [link]
South Asian monsoon “non-GHG (aerosols and land-use)..are responsible for observed changes in seasonal rainfall.” [link]
“significant increase..in both vegetation greenness and monsoon rainfall over the Sahel since the early 1980s” [link]
Misguided US biofuel policies are killing valuable wild bee populations, according to a new study: [link]
‘Hydricity’ concept uses solar energy to produce power round-the-clock [link]
It would be a mistake to underestimate the potential of the battery revolution. [link] …
Brazil: A Nation’s Churning Waterless Storm [link]
Germany’s offshore wind fiasco [link]Filed under: Week in review
