Week in review – science and technology edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

@michaelpollan on how soil could be a huge secret ally in the fight for a stable climate. [link] …
Lee Jussim  on the Lewandowsky scam: [link] …
Vikings’ mysterious abandonment of Greenland was not due to climate change, study suggests [link]
Backlash ensues as Rep. Lamar Smith roots out corruption at NOAA  [link]
How exactly did #Israel achieve #water security? [link]
A Biofuel Dream Gone Bad via @FortuneMagazine [link]
Interesting perspective from former @curryja student: How To Get Excommunicated From Climate Science [link] Note: i don’t know where he got the numbers of my publications in recent years, but the numbers are incorrect.
Steve McIntyre on Antarctic ice mass controversy [link]  …
What’s so special about 2 degrees Celsius? [link] …
Evidence of a decadal solar signal in the Amazon River: 1903 to 2013 [link]
Unbelievable hatchet job on Kevin Folta.  [link]  Makes Sou look like an amateur.
The unfolding global crisis of soil loss  [link] …
A refusal to think freely is making universities increasingly irrelevant [link]
Researchers probe undiscovered ocean floor under Antarctic ice shelf [link] …
Attribution of climate change to extreme weather events in 2014 – 32 papers in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society [link]
“France’s Top Weatherman Hired By Kremlin After Being Fired For Questioning Global Warming” Faith [link] …
Shi Yan’s approach to #farming helps break China’s “addiction to pesticides” [link]
New paper finds rapid thinning of East Antarctic glacier began 7000 years ago & persisted two centuries [link] …
Roger Pielke Jr’s recent talk on the climate debate [link]
David Siegel: critical thinking about climate change [link]  …
Study: Thinning ice leads to winter warming in the Arctic [link] …
Prominent Russian Scientist: ‘We should fear a deep temperature drop” [link]
NYTimes:  The price of denialism [link]
The equivalent of 800,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide released in massive California gas leak: The climate equivalent of the BP oil disaster is happening NOW in California [link]
 Filed under: Week in review
