by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week about the U.S. Presidential election.
Compared to last week, this week has been pretty lean in terms of substantive analysis. Here are a few things that I flagged:
How’d we get stuck with Trump and Clinton? Maybe we have to look in the mirror: [link]
Former candidate for the Democratic nomination Jim Webb Supports Trump over Hillary [link]
Trip report from Sanders delegates at the Democratic National Convention [link]
Trump: I regret sometimes saying the wrong thing [link]
Trump will do what Obama won’t: Visit Louisiana [link]
Trump’s problem is Trump [link]
Why Conservative Intellectuals Support Trump [link]
Conservative legal scholars prefer a liberal Supreme Court to a President Trump [link]
Why Hillary Clinton wouldn’t be a foreign policy hawk as president:[link]
Why a Hillary Clinton win means a new era of public misogyny is coming: [link]
Gary Johnson has a plan [link]
Why Gary Johnson Opposes Hate-Crime Laws [link]
Filed under: Politics, Week in review