Week in review – policy and politics edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

UK elections
The UK election results explained for non-UK readers: [link]
UK climate minister Ed Davey dumped by voters. [link]
CAMERON – ‘We’ll scrap funds for windfarms’ [link]
Useful round up of energy & climate reactions to election from @CarbonBrief, including guesses for Secretary of State [link]
The Guardian: What does Cameron’s election win mean for the #environment? [link]
UK election results:  Climate campaigners need to be more radical [link]
On the failure of predictions of the election outcome  [link]
US presidential candidates
Overview: Republican candidate views range from accepting science but rejecting US approach to fight it (Fiorina) to outright denial (Carson). [link]  …
Gov. Chris Christie: “I think global warming is real…And I do think human activity contributes to it.” ‘The question is what we do to deal with it’  [link]
“Fiorina Takes Shots At Environmentalists And Cronyists Before Presidential Announcement” [link] http://dailycaller.com/2015/05/02/fiorina-takes-shots-at-environmentalists-and-cronyists-before-presidential-announcement/
Lindsey Graham: Gore “trying to make [AGW] a religion…his solutions will destroy the economy” [link]
Ben Carson: “To use climate change as an excuse not to develop our God-given resources makes little sense.” [link]
Here’s how Bernie Sanders, the greenest presidential candidate, could get even greener [link]
Watch What Happens When Tribal Women Manage India’s Forests [link]
On the battle between local and central government for Canada’s climate future.
University of Western Australia cancels Bjorn Lomborg’s contract after backlash [link]
Policy analysis
Maurice Newman: The UN Is Using Climate Change As A Tool Not An Issue [link]
CATO: While the EPA may not have “quantified” “reduced climate effects” of the new regs, I did [link]
The Breakthrough Institute: A high-energy, low footprint planet. [link]Filed under: Week in review
