Week in review – energy and policy edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

US politics
U.S. Presidential candidateJeb Bush Wants to Elimate All Energy Subsidies [link]
Presidential candidate Lindsey Graham: Why Don’t Republicans Believe The Scientists On Climate … – ThinkProgress [link]
EPA: We don’t need to justify our regulations to avert warming .01 degrees [link]
Outrage over EPA emissions regulations fades as states find fixes [link]
Presidential candidate Carly Fiorina calls issue of climate change “hyperbole”: [link] …
Latest GOP presidential contender John Kasich actually believes in climate change. But he doesn’t want to fix it [link] …
Admitting to #AGW doesn’t obligate support of govt intervention.
Sen @JohnCornyn (R, TX) speaks on climate change @NRO. Seeks innov-driven policy answers [link]  …
Policy analysis
How to think about Islamic State: [link]  …
Amber Rudd: End of UK Green Deal [link]
Pope’s popularity fall 17% — preaching the climate change religion not so popular? [link]  …
Power Africa: Congress puts brakes on Obama plan [link] Fight about Export-Import Bank financing
Climate Change Risk is still largely unpriced & is a major risk area read [link]
France passes sweeping energy bill, to raise CO2 tax to €100/t by 2030 | Carbon Pulse [link] …
London economy ‘vulnerable to climate change’ – more than half of richest firms have no sense of risks [link]
An offshore wind farm near Rhode Island provides promise for #renewableenergy in the U.S. [link]
Report: #nuclear can’t compete with #renewables [link]  …
Nice new blog highlighting @NREL work in solar materials and clean energy systems [link] …
Biomass Ind Intensifies Fight For Carbon-Neutral Status As Obama Adm Carbon Rules Draw Near [link] …
Reviving #Iran’s oil and gas industry [link] …
How to reconcile @UNFCCC & @ICAO principles in regulating GHGs from international #aviation? http://bit.ly/1VmGbQ6
Japan’s growing reputation as a climate laggard [link]  …
DFID’s “Energy Africa” Campaign Launch: Three Fast Facts, One Bad Idea, and at Least One Way Forward [link]  …
Amber Rudd: UK CO2 targets make no sense. [link]
Want more wind and solar? We’ll need to get rid of outdated grid rules. [link] …
This highlights the excellent prospects for renewable energy in America, and the opposite for Germany [link]
Water and food
India’s plans to turn waterways into major shipping channels will require large-scale river linking [link]
Financing universal access to water and sanitation by redirecting fossil fuel subsidies  [link]
“Algae-Harvesting Technology Turns Frack California Water Into Irrigation Water” [link]
#Pakistan on brink of being ‘water scarce’ – but working with India to conserve groundwater could avert crisis #Indus [link]
Brookings: State of Food Insecurity Report [link]
Interesting piece on the PROS of corn, when we often hear the cons. [link]   …
Glut in sugar, cotton, tobacco and other crops blamed for farmer suicides in India [link] …
‘Filed under: Week in review
