Week in review – energy and policy edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

Lifting #oil export ban would save U.S. consumers an avg. $5.8 billion a year, study shows [link]
Jerry Brown Sent Letter to ‘Climate Science Denier’ Presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson…Pretty Much Proving the Dr.’s Point [link]  …
World Bank: Zambezi river #water management is a key element to develop #resilience to #climatechange: [link]
Interesting #climate update from @jonathanchait in NYMag [link]  …
U.S. solar energy is about to hit a speed bump [link]
World nuclear capacity set to grow 45% by 2035 [link]
Can the molten salt reactor break through? [link]
The world’s first solar airport generates more power than it consumes [link]
Shell Exits Prince of Wales Climate Group Due to Arctic Drilling [link]
Japan’s Energy Plan is unrealistic [link]
California Democrats cave to oil industry, drop major piece of climate bill [link]
Food foolish: Waste, hunger and climate change [link]
To help climate migrants, Bangladesh takes back land from the sea  … fascinating indigenous adaptation. [link]
Top Energy Security Issues for the 2016 Election (That US Presidential Candidates Will Ignore) [link]
Obama’s Aggressive Environmental Plans Splits Black Leaders [link]
Read about the subsidies that are driving forest loss [link] …
Indian exceptionalism and realistic responses to climate change: [link] …
IMPEACH!: GOP lawmaker looks to impeach @EPA chief Gina McCarthy [link]
Pakistan: World’s Largest Solar Farm Generate Enough Electricity to Power 320,000 Households [link]
Power utilities are built for the 20th century.  Why they are failing in the 21st [link]
Extreme Weather and Food Shocks [link]
Middle East Faces Water Shortages for the Next 25 Years [link] …
Climate talks are stuck in the slow lane to Paris- Negotiations in Bonn undermines hopes [link] A
Alaska governor to Obama: We want more offshore drilling $, more oil in AK pipeline; new natural gas pipeline. No AGW mention [link]  …
Is there a wind shortage in the US? [link]
Why policy ideas for climate change don’t work (lack of diversity) [link]Filed under: Week in review
