"We Can Add Fake Voters, Subtract Voters From The Voter Record, Vote Multiple Times..."

The video above shows how hackers can steal an election. The video right below shows how a Russian hacker stole over s hundred million dollars by stealing credit card numbers online. That video below, by some people from the Department of Justice, shows how the Feds caught the notorious Russian computer hacker Roman Seleznev-- the person responsible for over 400 point of sale hacks and at least $169 million in credit card fraud. They were most interested in detailing some of the challenges the government faced in piecing together the international trail of electronic evidence that he left and how Seleznev-- from a very Kremlin connected family-- was located and ultimately arrested. Their presentation begins with a review of the investigation and includes a summary of the electronic evidence that was collected and the methods used to collect that evidence. Many Americans believe that Russians can steal tens of millions of dollars online but can't steal and election. Isn't that silly?The video at the bottom of the post shows how they probably did (steal the election)-- a year and a half ago... on behalf of Señor Trumpanzee, the illegitimate "president." The U.S. establishment isn't interested in getting the news out widely, fearing people will stop voting. The hacker in this case is Professor of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Michigan, Dr. J. Alex Halderman and the video shows him testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee last summer. "In close elections," he said-- although why just in close election?-- "an attacker can probe the most important swing states or swing counties, find areas with the weakest protection and strike there. In a close election year, changing a few votes in key localities could be enough to tip national results. The key lesson from 2016 is that these threats are real... There's no doubt that Russia has the technical ability to commit widespread attacks against our voting system, as do other hostile nations."In June, Bloomberg reported that Russian cyber hacks on U.S. electoral system in 2016 were "far wider than previously known... including incursions into voter databases and software systems in almost twice as many states (39) as previously reported." There are fixes that would make the voting system less vulnerable in 2018-- and Trump hasn't lifting a finer to implement any of them. Why would he?So which counties flipped from Obama to Trump enough to swing states' electoral votes to Trump? The key states that gave Obama 52 electoral votes but then gave Trump these votes and saddled our country with Trump (a dream-come-true for the Kremlin) were Wisconsin (10 electoral votes), Michigan (16 electoral votes), Iowa (6 electoral votes) and Pennsylvania (20 electoral votes). Had Russian hackers not stolen those 4 states, Hillary, who won the popular vote 65,853,516 (48.2%) to 62,984,825 (46.1%) but lost the electoral college 304 to 227, would have won the electoral college 279 to 252. These were some of the key counties in each state which changed the results of the election:

• Juneau flipped blue to red by 33 points• Forest flipped blue to red by 32.5 points• Adams flipped blue to red by 30.8 points• Crawford flipped blue to red by 25 points• Buffalo flipped blue to red by 24.9 points• Lafayette flipped blue to red by 24.4 points• Marquette flipped blue to red by 24.2 points• Sawyer flipped blue to red by 23.5 points• Grant flipped blue to red by 22.8 points• Kenosha flipped blue tp red by 13.3 points• Winnebago flipped blue to red by 11.7 points• Racine flipped blue to red by 8.5 points

• Michigan

• Lake flipped blue to red by 28.1 points• Gogebic flipped blue to red by 23.1 points• Monroe flipped blue to red by 23 points• Shiawassee flipped blue to red by 22.7 points• Minaistee flipped blue to red by 20.9 points• Bay flipped blue to red by 18.6 points• Macomb flipped blue to red by 16 points• Calhoun flipped blue to red by 14.6 points• Van Buren flipped blue tired by 14.5 points• Isabella flipped blue to red by 13.3 points• Saginaw flipped blue to red by 12.9 points• Eaton flipped blue to redly 9.1 points

• Iowa

• Howard flipped blue to red by 42 points• Worth flipped blue to red by 36.6 points• Jackson flipped blue to red by 36 points• Fayette flipped blue to red by 32 points• Lee flipped blue to red by 31.6 points• Louisa flipped blue to red by 29.6 points• Allamakee flipped blue to red by 29.2 points• Clayton flipped blue to red by 29.1 points• Buchanan flipped blue to red by 28.9 points• Clinton flipped blue to red by 27.9 points• Muscatine flipped blue to red by 23 points• Cedar flipped blue to red by 22,6 points


• Luzerne flipped blue to red by 23.8 points• Erie flipped blue to red by 18.1 points• Northampton flipped blue to red by 8.7 points

Russian interference with American elections isn't just about half a million retweets. Last week Twitter told the Senate Judiciary Committee that Russian automated Twitter accounts-- 50,000 bots-- retweeted Señor Trumpanzee almost half a million times in the final weeks before the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign. Meanwhile Facebook told the Senate Intelligence Committee that it had found 129 events created by Russian "troll farms" that spread GOP-oriented information intended to help elect Trump. Tampering with voting machines is far more serious.