Watchdog group files a complaint with FEC over Democrat Party collusion with Ukraine to dig up dirt on Trump

The watchdog group Foundation for Accountability & Civic Trust (FACT) will file a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) over the alleged collusion between the DNC and the government of Ukraine.
While the entire liberal left, mainstream media and deep state search for some kind of evidence that Trump colluded with Russia, the watchdog group FACT, has tons of evidence that the DNC was actively colluding with the putsch government of Ukraine to dig up dirt on candidate Trump, starting with then-Trump campaign advisor Paul Manafort.
In mid-July, Fox News’ Sean Hannity focused in on Ukraine “insider” and DNC consultant, Alexandra Chalupa, and her work in colluding with the government of Ukraine to find ways to destroy Donald Trump.

The Hill reports…

A watchdog group will file a complaint with the Federal Election Commission on Wednesday alleging that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) violated federal law by soliciting opposition research on the Trump campaign from a foreign government.
The conservative group Foundation for Accountability & Civic Trust (FACT), launched in 2014 by former U.S. attorney Matthew Whitaker, will allege that political operative Alexandra Chalupa, in her capacity as a DNC consultant, improperly sought intelligence on President Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, from Ukrainian officials.
“Federal law and Commission regulations prohibit any person from knowingly soliciting, accepting or receiving contributions or donations of money or other things of value from a foreign national,” the complaint reads.
FACT alleges that Chalupa violated the ban by “knowingly soliciting” a “valuable in-kind contribution in the form of opposition research and information on a Trump campaign official from a foreign national on behalf of the Democratic National Committee.”
The complaint is based on an investigation by Politico, which found that Chalupa “met with top officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump, top campaign aide Paul Manafort and Russia.”

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