WATCH: North Carolina Cops Brutally Arrest Man for Sitting on Mother’s Porch

Responding to a call of a possible burglary in progress, North Carolina police encountered a man sitting on the front porch of a home, who told them he lived in the house with his mother, only he did not have the key to get inside.
The two Greensboro cops asked Dejuan Yourse a series of questions, then checked out his identification, but were still not satisfied that he lived there.
Yourse even called his mother and handed the phone to Greensboro police officer Travis Cole, but the call went to voice mail, so Yourse offered to introduce the officers to his neighbors who would confirm his identity, but they told him there was no need for that.
But the cops still were not satisfied, so Yourse called a friend to come over and confirm his story.
And that was when Cole attacked him, claiming he was in fear for his life, charging him with assault on a government official and resting arrest, saying it was a matter of “officer safety” because he could have been calling somebody to attack the cops.
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But body cam footage from both officers show it was Cole assaulting Yourse, punching him twice in the eye.
The incident took place June 17, 2016, but the video footage was not released until this week at the Greensboro City Council meeting.
Cole resigned last month, but the council voted 8-0 for a resolution to revoke his law enforcement certification to keep him from working at a police elsewhere.
After all, like many of the officers we write about here, Cole has a history of abuse, but was allowed to keep his job, which only gave him the chance to repeat his abuse.
In fact, he was even promoted after the incident after an initial investigation found no wrongdoing on his part. He only resigned after a second investigation was launched.
His partner, C.N. Jackson, resigned this week after the video went public. She can be heard in the video telling him to “be an adult” as he is laying on his stomach with Cole’s knee on his back and both hands cuffed behind him, all because he is complaining about being unlawfully attacked and arrested.

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