Washington: Ukraine Client Has Right To Bomb Cities, Slaughter Civilians

National Radio Company of Ukraine
July 8, 2014
Washington: Ukrainian authorities have right to defend eastern regions from Russian-backed separatists
Washington believes that the Ukrainian authorities have every right to defend the eastern regions from Russian-backed separatists.
“The government of Ukraine is defending the country of Ukraine, and I think they have every right to do that, as does the international community,” Jen Psaki, spokesperson for the U.S. Department of State, said at a briefing on Monday when asked if air strikes by Ukrainian military in the country’s east were justified.
According to Psaki, the people of Ukraine have the right to live in peace and security “without Russian-backed separatists attacking their homes and going into buildings.”
“And I think that’s where the root cause of this is and we shouldn’t forget that fact,” she added.
As we have reported, Ukraine’s Defence Minister Valeriy Heletey said on Monday that government forces would clear Donbas and Luhansk regions of terrorists, saboteurs, and criminals without resorting to air or artillery strikes.
July 8, 2014
There is no more unilateral cease-fire from side of ATO forces – Geletey
There will be no more unilateral cease-fire from side of Ukrainian subdivisions, involved in Antiterrorist operation (ATO).
There is no more unilateral cease-fire from side of ATO forces – GeleteyDefense Minister of Ukraine Valeriy Geletey said this on July 7 during communication with journalists in ATO area, the press service of the Defense Ministry said.
“The President stated this unambiguously. Now any negotiations are possible only after final laying down of arms by fighters”, – stressed Geletey.
