Washington directly supporting Svoboda neo-Nazi party fighting in Ukraine / McCain (Israel) warn Putin / Klitschko Busted Plotting overthrow …

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THIS is what Israel and the USA are sponsoring? And the have they nerve to call US racist?
Washington directly supporting Svoboda neo-Nazi party fighting in Ukraine 24 Feb 2014
Svoboda is a Neo-Nazi Party, Ukraine’s fourth biggest party holding 36 seats out of 450 in parliament. They’re also part of the Alliance of European National Movements along with the BNP and Jobbik. Svoboda is supported directly by Washington.
Go here for more revealing pics and story
“We are putting our hopes in a new generation of politicians”
Svoboda’s Oleh Tyahnybok doing their party salute when re-elected their leader.
John McCain to Vladimir Putin: Don’t meddle in [Our Meddling in] Ukraine 23 Feb 2014 Sen. John McCain, R-Iraq Meddler-Ariz., has a message for Russian President Vladimir Putin: let Ukrainians choose their own future. McCain appeared on CBS’s “Face the Nation” in the wake of a tumultuous few days in Ukraine during which President Viktor Yanukovych fled to a more Russian-aligned city in the east and protestors assumed control of the capital and the Parliament.[Creepy neocon hypocrite John McCain warns Putin about 'meddling.' Hello, Pot? This is Kettle...]
Anonymous Ukraine releases Klitschko emails showing treason 23 Feb 2014 Anonymous Ukraine is battling forces in Ukraine that are funded and directed from the West and attempting to overthrow the democratically elected government of the sovereign country of Ukraine. A member of Anonymous Ukraine who wishes to remain anonymous spoke to the Voice of Russia about the operations and the recent release of emails between Vitali Klitschko and the Lithuanian Presidential advisor. The emails show that Klitschko was intentionally planning to destabilize the country, is being instructed and funded from abroad, and has his accounts in Germany.
Ukraine: another piece in US-NATO-EU neo-con puzzle 21 Feb 2014 A monstrous crime is being committed in Ukraine right before the eyes of the world and the western media is helping to cover it up and distract the attention of the entire world from the core fact that the events in Ukraine are not a popular uprising, but a carefully orchestrated synthetic coup d’état brought about by long entrenched western color revolution infrastructure that was installed by US/NATO/EU to bring about the illegal act of regime change on the sovereign country of Ukraine… Under the UN Charter all attempts by the US/NATO/EU to influence the events in Ukraine so as to bring about a resolution that conforms to their own interests are illegal.

