WAR WAR WAR…. US / NATO Switch sides in latest Syrian Bombings

Obama trumpets strikes against Islamic State, strength of alliance


Obama thrusts U.S. military directly into civil war…
Biden 2012: If Romney’s elected, USA will bomb Syria…
Obama ’09: F-22 Jets Used to Strike Syria ‘Outdated and Unnecessary’…

Obama Says U.S. to Do Whatever Necessary to Hit Havens 
23 Sept 2014 President Barack Obama said the U.S.-led airstrikes overnight in Syria hit extremists who threaten the nation’s security and he vowed the country would do whatever is necessary to bring the fight to terrorists. The U.S. struck against Islamic State and another al-Qaeda[al-CIAduh]-affiliated group with the assistance of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Bahrain and Qatar, Obama said. “The strength of this coalition makes it clear this is not America’s fight alone,” Obama said at the White House.

U.S., partner [bribed] nations launch first strikes in Syria: Pentagon 
22 Sept 2014 The United States and partner nations are carrying out the first [illegal] air strikes against ‘Islamic State’ targets in Syria, the Pentagon said on Monday, in ongoing operations that mark the opening of a new, far more complicated front in a battle against the militants. “I can confirm that U.S. military and partner nation forces are undertaking military action against (Islamic State) terrorists in Syria using a mix of fighter, bomber and Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles,” Rear Admiral John Kirby, Pentagon press secretary, said in a statement. Kirby did not disclose which nations joined the United States.

Israel shoots down Syrian aircraft over Israeli-controlled airspace 
23 Sept 2014 An Israeli Patriot missile shot down a Syrian aircraft that flew into Israeli-controlled airspace on Tuesday, Reuters reported, citing the military. Israeli media are claiming that the downed aircraft was a Soviet-built MiG-21 fighter jet. Syrian state TV has confirmed that country’s aircraft was downed by the Israeli Air Force.

