Vindicated: Gladio B, Paris Terror & ISIS Fakery Admitted

Originally posted on Jay's Analysis:
The ISIS fakery is the same as bin Laden fakery.

By: Jay

Sibel Edmonds has done extensive research on Gladio B and has recently made connections between it and Paris evident in her new interview with James Corbett.  What comes to the fore is Turkey’s role in training, arming and exporting radical Islamists.  Training took place within the NATO domain, in Turkey and Jordan, whereas the New York Times’report whitewashes it as petty criminals and illegal immigration into China.

Edmonds projects this region to be the next Ukraine, as this area forms what Pepe Escobar terms, “Pipelinestan.”  The “democracy” exporting NGOs will now bring weaponized “freedom,” of course. Sound familiar?

Sibel’s analysis backs up my own in terms of the Paris terror events, where two weeks ago I noted the associations with Gladio.  In this regard, we mustn’t forget the failed Turkish false flag of 2014, again making the Turkish-French connect:

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