Videos From Family Guy And Lone Gunmen ‘Predicted’ Boston Bombing And 911

I am expecting another False Flag soon for two reasons. The dollar is about to collapse along with the yen, the pound and the euro. This bombing at the Boston Marathon seems to be unraveling rather quickly so these psychopaths will have to double down and go for something really, really big. Eventually they will feel the need to kill more people at a False Flag event than they did on 911.
Videos of the Family Guy cartoon series showed a man detonating two bombs from two separate cell phone calls. You might remember that in 2001 a TV episode of the Lone Gunmen TV series showed a passenger airliner being electronically hijacked and flying towards the World Trade Center. In the TV version of 911 the heroes saved the passengers, the airline crew, the workers inside the WTC and the people of Afghanistan and Iraq as well as NATO soldiers. Dean Haglund said that the plot for this episode was suggested by a man from the CIA more than six months before 911. This series was a spin off from the more popular X Files series which definitely had CIA and FBI agents hanging around suggesting scripts.

Off The Grid Until?
I will be off the grid for a few days or until the next False Flag. I might remind you that Hitler’s birthday is April 20th and that it is the third anniversary of the BP Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. And of course April 19th is Patriots Day which commemorates the beginning of the American Revolution at the battles of Lexington and Concord. It is the anniversary of the massacre at Waco and the Oklahoma City Bombing.
I intend to be back on Sunday.
I have decided to post some more of the Best of Vidrebel essays. I do not get paid for this and even unpaid volunteers need a few days off.
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