Video: Sofia Smallstorm Unraveling Sandy Hook

I do not normally comment about school shootings. They are often obviously staged events like the Aurora Colorado movie theater shooting. Almost all of these shootings involve dangerous but legally prescribed drugs that the Physicians Desk Reference says can result in suicide and violence. These drugs are there to control us. Mass violence, gun laws and an expanding mental health state can only benefit the New World Order.
911 was a staged event as were the London subway bombings of 7-7-2005. My approach is to point out that what the media says happened could not have happened. I try to avoid going into endless debates about the trivia. What is important to me is the conclusion: Israel did 911, the 7-7 bombings and assassinated JFK, RFK and MLK Jr. My goal is to have  the guilty parties arrested. I leave the intricate details of the crimes to the prosecutors and the police. I am here to demand arrests and a change of government. Hopefully, that will give us a change of direction.
Let me repeat my definition of the word Israel. To me the Christian church refers to the body of believers who identify themselves as Christians. I similarly define an Israeli as anyone of Jewish descent who is loyal to the state of Israel. If we are to survive this decade, more people will agree with me than with the present manipulated culture of the mass media.
Israel brazenly declared their conquest of America three times in the modern era. The first was the assassination of President Kennedy. The second was the attack on the USS Liberty that killed 34 American sailors. And the third was the attack against America on 911.
I do not want to get into details about the school shootings. Israel is responsible for the introduction of legal and illegal drugs into American society on a mass scale. They did that twice in England against China with the two Opium Wars. Now Israel has given America two opium wars. The first was the Vietnam war. One of the reasons for killing Kennedy was to get young Americans hooked on illegal drugs. And America’s Second Opium War was the invasion of Afghanistan.
Israel has been turning American into a Psychiatric Police State with fake mental classifications and powerful mind altering drugs that greatly damage our young people and tear the traditional American society apart beginning with the family. Israel has been using fluoride and other additives to the water to lower IQs and to increase cancer. Israel also promoted Bromide in food because it is in the same chemical group as fluoride and both replace iodine. They have also phased iodine out of the food. This lowers IQ, increases weight gain and creates both metabolic disorders and cancers. Israel did the same to the Soviet Union.
Sofia Smallstorm also made the documentary 911 Mysteries. I do not endorse what everyone says about Sandy Hook. I just want questions to be asked. I do not believe that no children were killed. But I find it hard to believe that Adam Lanza acted alone. No surveillance videos have been released. A lot of false information was released and what the public needs to know was held back.
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