Video: Al Sharpton Heckled at St Louis Presser – “Are You Here To Snitch On The Rioters?”

Rev. Al Sharpton was in St. Louis Tuesday at the request of the family of the deceased 18-year-old Michael Brown. Sharpton held a press conference in front of the Old Courthouse in downtown St. Louis at 12:30 Tuesday afternoon. FOX 2 reported that Sharpton spoke out against the violence in Fergurson and other parts of the area.  He also pushed for the arrest of the police officer who shot Brown.

“Snitches Get Stitches” was spray painted on the side of the QuikTrip that was looted and destroyed on Sunday.

Sharpton was heckled by Progressives Today reporter Adam Sharp on his informant past with the FBI.

Adam Sharp: Sir, the term “Snitches Get Snitches” was spray painted on the burned out QuikTrip. Since you are a federal snitch, sir, do you fear for your life?
Al Sharpton: I’m not a snitch. (Not true) But today I want to tell the feds about a cop that needs to go to jail.
Sharp: Are you in fear for your life being a federal informant and…
Sharpton: I want to inform on this policeman today.
Sharp: Are you here to snitch on the rioters?… Are you here to work with your FBI partners?
Sharpton: (no response)


