US, Turkey Complicit in IS Oil Smuggling, Says Russian UN Envoy

While the msm and it's counterparts in the alt media keep singing the 'bad Turkey' tune incessantly....What was Russia really saying about IS oil trade? It was always doubtful that they saw Turkey as the sole miscreant in this oily business.Link

Washington and Ankara have violated international law by failing to provide the United Nations Security Council with adequate information on the Islamic State group's illegal oil activities, RT reported Russia’s ambassador to the United Nations, Vitaly Churkin, to have said Monday morning. Reminding his counterparts of U.N. Resolution 2199, which was introduced February 2015 as a countermeasure against the trade of “terrorist” groups operating in Iraq and Syria, Churkin pointed out that “countries are obliged to provide information” on the financial activities of the Islamic State group.

 “That means the Americans had to provide such information, and of course Turkey, which should have reported any illegal trade going on there. They didn't do it,” Churkin told the RIA Novosti news agency.

Churkin on the US having the knowledge of brand ISIS rebels oil smuggling:

“You've (US/NATO) been flying there for a year, we've been there for two months and already provided many photos showing that oil is smuggled through the Turkish border,” Churkin told RIA Novosti.

“They must have known, and if they did, they should have reported it to the Security Council,” he continued.

 Resolution 2199 was unaminously adopted Feb. 12, 2015, in order to prevent funding to the Islamic State group, al-Qaida and other militant groups operating inside Iraq and Syria. The resolution was also introduced in an attempt to put a stop to the Islamic State group’s illegal trade of oil, anqituities and hostages in both countries.

BTC : Baku Tiblisi Ceyhan Pipeline- Ownership ISIS oil smuggling is connected to the Ceyhan leg of this pipeline- this is how the oil finds it's way to Israel: As noted in this previous post-  Israel buys most oil smuggled from ISIS territory - report

The pipeline is owned and operated by BTC Co, a consortium of 11 energy companies. The consortium is managed by BP. Shareholders are:

 Oil smuggling also covered in this post- check out the pdf linked within;

Carving Turkey After a NATO Roasting- Claims vs Reality