US Ship Debacle In Persian Gulf... US Radically Changes Its Story Of The Boats In Iranian Waters To An Even More Suspicious Version

Everyone by now has heard the tale about the 3 small American naval ships in the Persian Gulf that strangely "went off course" and landed up in Iranian waters... There the boats and the crews were rightfully seized by Iranian authorities due to their trespassing into Iranian territory.. However the Iranians did the right thing in holding them for only a few days and then releasing them back to the American military...It has been a very strange story and there are many unanswered questions.. I figured that since a lot of people have been asking for my take on the situation, I would give my own two cents worth... But before I give my thoughts about exactly what conspired with this incident, I want to present a new report that comes from The Intercept website, at This report is entitled: "US Radically Changes Its Story Of The Boats In Iranian Waters To An Even More Suspicious Version"... As you will see this story is changing almost by the day, and there are indeed very strange and suspicious things happening around this tale... I have the link to that report right here, and of course my own thoughts and comments to follow: Notes:  I will not pull any punches here and I am calling bullshit on everything the US is claiming happened with this "incident".....Lets face the facts.. The Persian Gulf is not that big, and even these small ships as part of the US Navy have not only proper radar guidance systems, but GPS as well.. I doubt very much that someone on ALL THREE BOATS simultaneously and independently loaded the 'wrong coordinates' in the boats' GPS systems to send all three off course and into Iranian waters.. For the US Government to try to sell that tale is so laughable and complete and utter bullshit....What I see is the US Navy bullshitting their way out of this mess that they themselves created, and it seems that there was something more nefarious about this incident and I will explain what I see happened here...Lets face the facts.. The US and Saudi Arabia did attempt just a few weeks ago to get their nice little war going in the Middle East against Iran by the Saudis killing that Iranian Islamic cleric... Luckily the Iranians did not take the bait when the Saudis were obviously the aggressors in that incident, and the US had to go back to the drawing board and concoct another incident...People will be asking WHY NOW?  The reality is that the US is in deep economic trouble.. Their Petro-Dollar scam to keep the US dollar afloat by forcing nations to trade their petroleum in US dollars is at an end with the collapse of the world wide price of Petroleum...  Nations are rapidly moving away from the US dollar and it scares the hell out of the criminals in charge of the US Government.... And rather than do the right thing and simply end the crushing debt that the US citizens have had to suffer under due to criminal Jewish scumbags, the think tanks that run the entire mess actually think that the way out of the mess that they created is to have a "nice little war" that will drive the economy out of the recession and at the same time drive up the world price of Petroleum and restore the Petro-dollar scam..... Yes, the insane thinking in the Pentagon and the White House is that by having a war against Iran at this time, the Persian Gulf will be closed to world wide Petroleum shipments and the price of a barrel of oil will suddenly jump from its present value of around $28 a barrel to around $200 overnight!  Yes, GREED rules and the US wants this $200 a barrel oil and they care not that war against Iran could quickly escalate considering that Iran is allied to both Russia and China.......Therefore it makes sense that the US would put out the "bait" by having these three Naval vessels go into Iranian waters, with the hope that the Iranians would shoot at these vessels and therefore the US navy would come to the rescue (2 US carrier battle groups and one French Carrier group "conveniently" in the vicinity during this "incident? ) by retaliating and launching air strikes against Iran..... Luckily again the Iranians have not done anything to harm the sailors on those ships (in fact they were treated so much better than the US has treated prisoners in any of their jails including Guantanamo Bay!).  And they have rightfully released them back into American hands...The bottom line is that we have not seen the last of these "incidents"... The US is right now teetering on economic disaster and the insanity of their leadership is that they need a war, and in fact any war, to save their necks.... And they care not for the fact that even a small war could quickly escalate into a global conflagration....   Be weary everyone, for a new "false flag" event is definitely coming...More to comeNTS