US Sends 500 Additional Troops Into Manbij to “Send ISIS a Message”?

The first article linked directly below is not humour! Though it's contention is absurd. Clearly the media is opting to spin the overtly confrontational position taken by the US, in support of their Kurdish terrorists, against Turkey, a NATO ally.  This silly spin was mentioned in the first post from today. Manbij: NATO's Fracturing Point, US Troops Parade In Armored ConvoysThe media is always managing perceptions- It’s job 1.During times of war the media is working over time to control your thinking. As Mika Brzezinski states, does their work,"our job", of "actually controlling what the people think" -The media spins to prevent you from thinking about the US betraying their NATO ally of decades.-The media does not want you to think about how it is the US is walking alongside the PKK aka YPG. Known and recognized terrorists for decades. - And hey, how about the presence of  an additional 500 US boots on the ground in Manbij, Syria?  An invasion and occupation by the US is also glossed over  - Instead you are being distracted with ‘sending ISIS a message’- That’s ridiculous!Link

United States troops are officially on the ground in war-torn Syria to help in the fight against the Islamic State.That’s bad news for ISIS.The U.S. has deployed 500 troops, many of them highly skilled special operators, to Syria to “deter aggression and keep focus of defeating ISIS.”The American convoys were spotted rolling through the outskirts of the Syrian city of Manbij, near the village of Yalanli.

The American flags made it so no one could mistake who the convoy belonged to.Be safe and give ISIS hell, boys.

Farcical presentation. France 24 is reporting with a bit more reality

The Pentagon said Monday it has sent additional US troops into northern Syria in a show of strength aimed at deterring rival powers from targeting each other instead of the Islamic State group."We have brought in some additional forces to be able to do this reassurance and deterrence mission," Davis said, without giving numbers.

Reassure the PKK/YPG who have annexed Syrian territory with the assistance of the US and ISIS while deterring Turkey a nation that entered Syrian territory in order to clear their border of US backed terrorists YPG/PKK.

The United States is backing a Kurdish-Arab alliance (an arab veneer) called the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) to fight IS, and these fighters pushed the jihadists from Manbij last year.

Around the same time, (Actually months after Manbij was passed to Kurds & the US didn't keep their word regarding their retreat. And about 6 weeks after the US backed coup in Turkey) Turkey crossed into northern Syria and joined the anti-IS fight, while also working to keep in check the Kurdish fighters, which it views as terrorists.

"This is obviously a really complicated situation, Davis said.

"We have made visible actions in deploying US forces as part of the coalition in and around Manbij to reassure and deter -- that's to deter parties from attacking any other parties other than ISIS itself."

Visible to who? Turkey? Seems so since the US is embedded with the PKK/YPGReassuring to who? It seems it would be the Kurds since the US is right there with themDeterring who? Obviously Turkey. Since Turkey has made very clear they expect the US to keep their word and have the Kurds retreat... And the US does not want Turkey to go to Manbij.. because the US wants their Kurdish proxy terrorist pals to permanently annex &  occupy Syria with an eye to attacking Turkey once the US gets their safe zone on! Flashback: Why Does Turkey’s Capture of Syria’s Al Bab Matter? Flashback: NATO Fracturing at Manbij? US Reinforces Manbij to Defend From Turkish Attack?? 

  There had been no indication from Erdogan that the Turkish forces inside Syria want to rest on their laurels with the taking of Al Bab.
“The US does not want Turkey to march on Manbij,” said Stein.

It's not that complicated really. It all began in earnest in 2002- When the US invaded Iraq. This invasion set the wheels in motion for the remake of the middle east/north african region. You know it's all just the "birth pangs of a new middle east" Who say's women can't kill as well as men?Condoleeza Rice 2006

RICE: What we're seeing here, in a sense, is the growing -- the birth pangs of a new Middle East. RICE: And whatever we do, we have to be certain that we are pushing forward to the new Middle East, not going back to the old one.

The remake, er birth pangs,  I've discussed here for years.  What complicates this situation is the multitude of lies to cover up for that which is actually occurring.