US President Drumpf Calls For New Space Initiative To "Return To The Moon" And To Get To Mars - Good Luck To That!

* I took another of those "me days" yesterday, and went out and about to get some Christmas shopping done.. And of course that leaves me having to play catch up again here at this blog on some recent happenings...Ever since the criminal US President went and "sold his soul" to the Jewish devils last week with his horrendous announcement that he would give the US government's stamp of approval to giving those bastards the city of Jerusalem and eventually moving the US embassy to that city, I was wondering what he would do to distract the American people and to turn their limited attention spans elsewhere... And apparently we did not have long to wait at all...I saw on the Jew spew media on Monday a most interesting report where Drumpf came out in a news conference calling for the US to have a new "Space Policy Directive" where the criminals and liars behind NASA would endeavor to "return to the moon" and to plan for manned missions to Mars as well....And someone asked me via email for me to take a shot at this "announcement" with a new article here at this blog... I felt that since I know that NASA is a bunch of liars, I would put in my own two cents worth here..Ok, for starters, for those who have not been up to speed on this latest announcement from the US President, here is the link to a full report form the USA Today website for everyone to see for themselves here:  I figure that I would also present here a video of the US President's announcement of this "Space Policy Directive" here as well:OK, Where to begin.... Where have we seen this type of announcement before?  People so quickly forget about how that ass clown and idiot US President George W Bush made this same type of announcement back in 2004 calling for NASA then to also "return to the moon" and to strive for manned missions to Mars as well.... And what has happened since that 2004 announcement?  ALMOST ZERO.....When Drumpf made the call for a "New Space Policy Directive" the other day, I honestly did not know whether to laugh or to cry.... The facts are again simple, in that NASA still does not have the technology or the know-how to get humans beyond low Earth orbit, which means flights only as high as around 250 miles..... Getting beyond that altitude is still impossible due to the high radiation levels of not only the VA belts, but interstellar space itself....And... I came across this interesting tidbit from my fellow Canadian truth seeker who of course hails from the wild nether regions of British Columbia, Greencrow, who has her own take on this "announcement" from Drumpf as part of her recent "Caw Rant #58" that was released the other day... Here is the link to Greencrow's report, and the part about Drumpf's announcement of "returning to the moon" is at the end of this article: agree with Greencrow's assessment, for I have long known that mankind has NEVER walked on the Moon in 1969-1972, and still does not have the means nor the technology to even get there today.....I also want anyone that still is not up to speed on the fakery of the manned missions to the moon to look at the link here to a fabulous series that was put out by the late great Dave McGowan that is called "Wagging the Moondoggie".... It is worth your time: Notes:  Well, there you have it.. .President Drumpf is now following in the footsteps of his predecessors in once again calling for a new "directive" for US space travel that is nothing more than more distractions and fluff to cloud the American public and keep them from looking at the criminality of their own government and its criminal actions across the planet...And now with this new "directive" there will be US tax dollars flowing once again into NASA for their sham "space missions" that will be as phoney as "Project Apollo" and of course their sham Mars missions as well... The last sham of "Project Apollo" cost the US taxpayers some 40 BILLION dollars in 1960's dollars, and I can predict that if the US actually pushes ahead with this lastest fiasco, the cost will easily be in the TRILLIONS of dollars and be just as phoney as the last scam!More to comeNTS