U.S., Polish Puppet Regime Internationalize Ukrainian War

Radio Poland
July 19, 2014
Malaysian airliner tragedy ‘a global problem’
From Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski’s American wife Anne Applebaum
Both Barack Obama and President Komorowski have said the downing of a Malaysian jetliner in eastern Ukraine should be a “wake-up call for Europe and the world”.
President Barack Obama said Friday that the US was preparing tougher sanctions against Russia after it has failed to stop the violence in eastern regions of Ukraine, which has led to the death of 298, half them Dutch, on board the downed Malaysian Airline’s Boeing 777.
“This certainly will be a wake-up call for Europe and the world that there are consequences to an escalating conflict in eastern Ukraine; that it is not going to be localized, it is not going to be contained,” Obama told reporters in Washington after talks with Germany’s Angela Merkel, British PM David Cameron, among other world leaders.
In Poland, Ukraine’s western neighbour, President Bronislaw Komorowski said after an emergency meeting with Prime Minister Donald Tusk that what was once a problem for Ukrainians is now “a global problem”.
Komorowski called for an immediate ceasefire in eastern Ukraine, but this must be accompanied by action “to deter attempts to destroy the Ukrainian state and create a permanent conflict in the region”.
