US planning to bomb Syrian infrastructure (oil pipelines) to halt jihadists' funding

The oil pipelines are Syrian infrastructure. And ISIS provides the pretext needed to destroy Syrian and Iraqi infrastructure.  I have discussed this very topic on a number of previous ocassions!-The US is considering bombing pipelines in Syria-The $2m-a-day (£1.24m) that the extremist group is believed to be making from the sale of fuel is one of the US' "principal concerns" and "air strikes are a viable option”, The US 'believes' that ISIS is making money from the sale of fuel. Like believing in Santa Clause, the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny.Therefore- bomb Syrian infrastructure. -The American-led coalition has already carried out a limited number of air strikes on small-scale refineries.Now bomb pipelines. This is a war on Syria. This is the war on Syria.I'm curious- the pipelines set to be bombed would these be the ones for the derogatorily named "arab pipeline". A pipeline that may be in the process of being rerouted to more acceptable nations.The Arab pipeline was first mentioned in this post in 2011: Assad's "Four Seas Strategy" Damascus converges with ChinaMost recent mention of the pipeline was just a month back:  Remember " War against Iraq, Syria & Iran? " ISIS wants Saudi Arabia?
