US Military Fueling Big Ambitions For PKK/YPG Terrorists

WaPo being pretty out in the open here with the arming, training and indoctrination of  and by PKK/YPG. Long term readers here won't be shocked by any of the information contained in the Washington Post article- Since I've long spoken of the middle east remake. Washington Post

TAL ABYAD, Syria —In a former high school classroom in this northeastern Syrian town, about 250 Arab recruits for the U.S.-backed war against the Islamic State were being prepped by Kurdish instructors to receive military training from American troops.  Most of the recruits were from villages surrounding the Islamic State’s self-proclaimed capital of Raqqa, and the expectation is that they will be deployed to the battle for the predominantly Arab city, which is now the main target of the U.S. military effort in Syria.  But first, said the instructors, the recruits must learn and embrace the ideology of Abdullah Ocalan, a Kurdish leader jailed in Turkey whose group is branded a terrorist organization by both Washington and Ankara.

 Can the connection to the PKK be any clearer? Can it be any more obvious the US is supporting terrorists and terrorism. Before the ‘recruits’ can get their military training from the US they must be indoctrinated into the PKK cult of terrorism/drug/human trafficking. No one can tell me, with a straight face, the US is not aware of the connection between YPG and PKK! If you tried to, you would be a liar and a fool.

 Turkey, which regards the YPG as an affiliate of Ocalan’s Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, is enraged at the U.S. support for the Syrian Kurds, and this month called on President-elect Donald Trump to sever U.S. support for the militia when he takes office. As Russia, Syria and Turkey move closer toward a settlement to the overall Syrian conflict, the United States could also find itself at odds with Russia over its military role in Syria.

 Turkey regards them as affiliates of the PKK because that is exactly what they are and have always been!  Hence the indoctrination into the cult of Ocalan. The extreme violent tendencies. The forced recruitment of children. The ethnic cleansing of Arabs and Christians. Like their Khazar cohorts, the extremists Kurds, detest Arabs and Christians. This fact has been written about extensively here at the blog.  (Most Kurds just want to go about their lives, however, others have  corrupted/criminal ambitions and are willing to force or manipulate many into doing their bidding)

 U.S. officials and military advisers in Syria declined to discuss details of the training being provided to the Arabs in the force. But they said they were unaware that the Arab recruits were receiving lessons in Kurdish political theory before their U.S. military training. “What happens to them before they come to us, we don’t know,” said one of the U.S. military advisers in Syria, who spoke on the condition that he not be identified by name or rank.

Kurdish political theory aka cult indoctrination.They were unaware the Arab recruits were receiving cult indoctrination before military training? Not credible! Not credible in the least. There in the same location for goodness sakes!

The gains have taken Kurdish fighters far beyond traditionally Kurdish areas into territory populated overwhelmingly by Arabs, threatening not only to stir up long-standing ethnic rivalries but also a wider conflict.

Of course the gains have taken the terrorists into territories overwhelmingly populated by Arabs. It was designed to do just that! 

 To assuage Turkish concerns and avert tensions between Arabs and Kurds, the U.S. military is channeling weapons and ammunition to an umbrella organization called the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which includes Arab fighters as well as the Kurds

Manbij recruits An umbrella organization that includes Arab fighters. A veneer of Arabs. An umbrella is a thin piece of material stretched over a wide frame. The so called arab fighters are that thin bit of material stretched over a mass of YPG/PKK Kurdish thugs and terrorists.  There the sugary coating on the bitter pill.

 U.S. officials acknowledge, however, that the Kurds constitute more than three-quarters of the SDF coalition and are leading the fight on the front lines, making them the biggest beneficiary of U.S. military assistance.

How much more then three quarters (75%)?  24% more then (75%) three quarters? Which would make PKK/YPG 99 percent of the SDF. To put it another way PKK/YPG is most probably nearly 100 percent of the SDF!

And it is the Kurdish vision of a future Syria that is being extended to the Arab areas that are being conquered, despite frequent statements issued by the U.S. government opposing the Kurds’ plans to create any form of new region in Syria. 

“The military support has boosted the YPG’s confidence to move beyond Kurdish populated areas and grow their ambitions even beyond Syria,” said Maria Fantappie of the International Crisis Group. “It has huge political implications not only for Syria but also for neighboring ­countries.”

 Areas being conquered!  Get it, yet? Annexed. Stolen. Ethnically cleansed. All points that have been made here for years- The Washington Post is openly reporting on a fact the media has obfuscated for so long.

 But the Arabs who run Manbij are adherents of the YPG’s ideology, making them indistinguishable in Turkey’s eyes — and in the eyes of local residents — from the Kurdish force, according to Aaron Stein of the Washington-based Atlantic Council

The locals in Raqqa don't like these terrorists- surprise Ocalan's Portrait at Tal Abyad

 On a rare visit by foreign journalists to northern Syria, Kurds were eager to explain Ocalan’s political theory, a mix of Marxism and the utopian dreams of a dead American leftist from Vermont named Murray Bookchin.

You can read the rest for yourself- Including Ocalan's vision coming from Murry Bookchina marxist jew from Vermont- Coincidence? I think not. Israel 2.0 having the politics of a Marxist jew- sounds so Bolshevik...

  Bookchin was born in New York City to Russian Jewish immigrants[8][9] Nathan Bookchin and Rose (Kaluskaya) Bookchin. He grew up in the Bronx, where his grandmother, Zeitel, a Socialist Revolutionary, imbued him with Russian populist ideas