U.S. Marines Conduct Military Training In Georgia

Ministry of Defence of Georgia
June 12, 2014

Training in shooting in frames of a joint exercise “Agile Spirit 2014” is over
The training of military servicemen in shooting finished at the Vaziani military firing ground in the frames of a joint exercise “Agile Spirit 2014” of Ministry of Defence of Georgia and the United States Department of Defense.
During two days, the Georgian and the U.S. military servicemen were adopting the shooting technique from firearms of different type and caliber.
The military servicemen were practiced in shooting skills from automatic firearms, manual anti-tank grenade launchers, machine-guns and automatic grenade launchers. The soldiers will be scored according to the degree of target damage that will be reflected in the evaluation of the training results.
The following step will be tactical trainings which will be ended with the final Georgian-American training. During tactical preparation the soldiers will practice in the operations like which they will have to fulfill in the ISAF mission.
Around 350 military servicemen of the United States Marine Corps Black Sea Rotational Forces and 42nd Battalion of IV Mechanized Brigade of GAF are taking part in the exercise.
