US ILLEGALLY Invading And Expanding Its Presence In Syria

I have come under attack by some trolls over the last while trying to distort my statements that the "good guys" are winning in Syria... Yes, I do look at the Bashar al-Assad government forces in Syria, along with their allies, as the good guys in this "civil war" for the simple fact that THEY are the ones that are freeing their nation from the criminal intervention of the US/Israel/NATO cabal that wants Syria destroyed... I always believe in the need to support those who are fighting for a true righteous, and just cause, and the Syrian government forces and their allies are truly the good guys in the conflict against the most evil US/Israel/NATO cabal...... Therefore trolls, take a hike!I have said that the US/Israel/NATO cabal are "sore losers" and would stop at nothing to try to turn the tide in Syria and retake the initiative against the Syrian forces that are right now winning their nation back... And suddenly over the last few days there have been some new reports that have come out, where it appears that the criminal US government has suddenly upped its presence in Syria itself...First, I want to present the following report where it appears that the US has indeed moved its forces into an 'abandoned' airbase in previously Kurdish occupied territory in northeastern Syria...This report comes from the Al Jazeera website, at, and is a must see by everyone... It shows that without much public attention, the US has indeed ILLEGALLY invaded northern Syria.  Here is the link to that report for everyone to see here: have to love the way this story claims that the US has been "invited" in to take control of this airbase in north eastern Syria by the Kurds..... This is indeed a violation of Syria's territory by the US.....OK, lets face the facts here... The US was never invited by the rightful government of Syria under Bashar al-Assad to make such a move, and it is indeed an illegal move under international law... NO nation has the right to suddenly set up an "airbase" in the territory of another nation!   This move is so obvious in an attempt to give full air support to the US/Israel controlled "ISIS" forces that are now being battered by the Syrian government forces!   Again, so much for 'ISIS' being a real 'terrorist' group....And as a follow up to that Al Jazeera article, comes the following report from the Press TV website, at, that shows definitive evidence that the US is indeed expanding that airbase in northeastern Syria, and is indeed expanding its overall military presence in Syria.... Here is the link to that article for everyone to see for themselves here: Notes:  Must I state again that what the US is doing in northeastern Syria is in direct violation of international law?....OK, the articles say that this move to the Rmeilan airbase is to "support the Kurds" in their fight against "ISIS"... But knowing that ISIS is indeed a FRAUD and is run by the US itself, it should become obvious that the US is indeed moving illegally into that airbase just to give full support to its ISIS operatives in their war against the Syrian forces.... And of course the US will illegally use that base to fly in their own forces to bolster their efforts for the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad himself...Yes, the US has indeed been losing this war to destroy Syria, and they are now going to try this last ditch effort to save their failed efforts.... Hopefully more people everywhere wake up and see what is happening here and go after their governments and the liars in the media for first avoiding this issue and then supporting it by staying silent....More to comeNTS