US Forces Wearing YPG/PKK Patches On Their Uniforms

I couldn't have imagined it would have been  just the Canadian Special Forces wearing Kurdish regalia . Why are Canadian troops in Iraq wearing Kurdish flag?The American nation destroyers, terror state creators supporting terrorists  In the ongoing fight around Raqqa, the Islamic State's de facto capital city inside Syria, some American Special Forces soldiers are wearing Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) patches on their uniforms as they back up Kurdish troops.

U.S. troops in northern #Syria are wearing Kurdish YPG patches. What you just heard was Erdogan's head exploding.— Aron Lund (@aronlund) May 26, 2016

The sight of Americans wearing Kurdish patches is powerful, though perhaps not always for the reasons you might think.. But the United States's increasingly close partnership with the Kurds has increased tensions with Turkey, America's NATO ally just a few miles to the north.As I've stated for years here at the blog- The PKK destabilization of Turkey has the full backing and support of NATO/US/Israel.Heval Gabar Tolhildan a Syrian Democratic Forces "volunteer" from Canada?Sure.  Must be one of those dual nationals that sometimes reside in Canada. But mostly reside and have loyalties that lie elsewhere...Just another NATO destabilization, with the tried and true media presentation of 'freedom fighters'How was I one of just a handful to see through the charade?Three cheers for those spunky NATO backed Kurdish militia/terrorists- Most effective fighting force against their symbiotic partner ISIS- also a tool of NATO! Suuuuuurrrreeeee.... all the dis/misinfo media sites and blogs. I'm extremely disgusted today.