US Bombs Hospital In Afghanistan And Accuses Doctors Without Borders As Being At Fault Claiming They Are A "Terrorist Organization" !

Everyone in the alternative news has heard by now all about the sick American bombing of a hospital in Kunduz province in northern Afghanistan that has killed at least 20 people (I suspect a far greater death toll)... It was an act of cold blooded murder on the part of the criminal US government... And of course we find not a hint of reports about the truth about this callous act by the US in any of the regular Jew spew media outlets....It is bad enough that the US military conducted this attack on a hospital, but the real disgusting aspect is how now the US government and now the regular Jew spew media outlets are going out of their way to not accept blame for this murderous act... As an example of the ridiculous lengths the US and the liars in the media will go to try to deflect any blame for their murderous attack on innocent people, I want to present the following report that comes from the Front Page Magazine website at, where the liars in the media and the US Government now have the nerve to lay blame on the volunteer group known as "Doctors Without Borders" and even going so far as to actually call them a "terrorist organization"!  Yes, you cannot make this stuff up if you try, and I have that article right here for everyone to see for themselves.. I have further thoughts and comments to follow:It's Time to Treat Doctors Without Borders as a Terrorist Organization

End non-profit status for them and for any organization that funds them

October 4, 2015 Daniel Greenfield Doctors Without Borders has a long history of collaborating with and defending terrorists. And even being terrorists. The issue came up just last month in relation to Hamas. Its current attacks on America and collaboration with the Taliban are completely unacceptable. Doctors Without Borders' personnel are once again lying through their teeth, denying the facts put forward by US and Afghan personnel and covering up the use of medical facilities by the Taliban Jihadists as human shields. This is the same tactic that we've seen with Hamas. It's time to deal with Doctors Without Borders, a cynical name for an organization in bed with Islamic terrorists.Doctors Without Borders is lying and denying everything. The media is predictably taking the side of the extremist left-wing group. But the solution is obvious. 1. Treat Doctors Without Borders members just like ISIS recruits when it comes to international travel. At no point in time should they be allowed to travel to conflict zones since it is manifestly clear that they do so to aid terrorists. If they lie about their travel plans, they should go to jail. 2. End non-profit status for them and for any organization that funds them. 3. End any special status that they have when operating in conflict zones since they aren't medical personnel, just terrorist auxiliaries who were aiding the Taliban takeover of Kunduz.Doctors Without Borders is lying and denying everything. The media is predictably taking the side of the extremist left-wing group. But the solution is obvious. 1. Treat Doctors Without Borders members just like ISIS recruits when it comes to international travel. At no point in time should they be allowed to travel to conflict zones since it is manifestly clear that they do so to aid terrorists. If they lie about their travel plans, they should go to jail. 2. End non-profit status for them and for any organization that funds them. 3. End any special status that they have when operating in conflict zones since they aren't medical personnel, just terrorist auxiliaries who were aiding the Taliban takeover of Kunduz.NTS Notes: WHY am I not surprised in the least bit by this?   By now anyone with even the least amount of common sense can see that the US is probably the second most evil nation on the planet (Israel being the first of course) and they have been slaughtering and murdering people in foreign nations with impunity for decades at least....And as usual they search for the most far-fetched excuses imaginable for their actions and crimes against humanity!I have looked years back at "Doctors Without Borders" when I was looking at all the fraud organizations around the planet, and this organization is absolutely NOT on that list at all.... In fact Doctors Without Borders has always been one of the first groups to go into nations that have suffered from disasters to help people in need... To suddenly call them a "terrorist organzation" is to me beyond ludicrous....What we have here is desperation in the US criminal government now trying to cover up their act of cold blooded murder in Afghanistan... But rather than admit guilt and suffer the consequences, we have them trying to pull this ludicrous stunt of accusing that Hospital and its workers of "harboring" terrorists!  It does indeed show how far the US government and its military have indeed fallen into pure evil.....Yes the US bombs a hospital and kills a multitude of civilians.. I guess this is what they call "winning the hearts and minds" of the civilians in Afghanistan... It is no wonder the US has lost that war and the Taliban are now winning their nation back!More to comeNTS