U.S. To Allot $19 Million For Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi National Guard

August 2, 2014
U.S. plans to spend $19 mln on training Ukraine’s National Guard – media

The U.S. Defense Department and the Department of State plan to allocate $19 million to strengthen Ukraine’s defense capability, according to Russian NTV Channel.
“The press secretary of the U.S. Department of Defense, Rear Admiral John Kirby, said that the money would be spent on training and re-equipment of the National Guard of Ukraine. In particular, the U.S. military are going to train and equip four companies and one tactical headquarters of the Ukrainian National Guard,” the statement reads.
If the U.S. Congress approves the proposed plan, Pentagon will begin retraining of the Ukrainian National Guard in 2015. The training center will be located at the international peacekeeping and security center in Yavoriv, Lviv region, the TV channel said.
The trainers would be provided by U.S. Army Europe and by the California National Guard, the channel quoted the Pentagon spokesman as saying.
Earlier reports said that Washington planned to provide some $8 million to the State Border Service of Ukraine for the purchase of engineering equipment and technology, the report says.
August 2, 2014
U.S. considering extending support to Ukraine in various areas, says Biden
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has had a telephone conversation with U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden, during which they discussed the situation in Donbas and the progress of the international inquiry into the circumstances of the crash of the Malaysia Airlines MH17 flight.

For his part, Biden appreciated Poroshenko’s contribution and welcomed the consolidation of the Ukrainian parliaments and government, which helped to maintain political stability in Ukraine.
He also expressed the U.S. support of Ukraine’s position in the IMF, which is considering disbursement of the second tranche under the Stand-By Arrangement. In addition, the U.S. vice president said that a special team for expanding the direct economic support is currently working in Ukraine. Overall, apart from the financial and economic assistance, the U.S. is considering the possibility of expanding its support for Ukraine in other fields.
Poroshenko and Biden agreed to maintain direct contact which will vary in intensity depending on the further developments in Ukraine, the presidential press service said.
