Updates from The Realist Report

Hello readers, listeners, and supporters,
I hope your New Year is off to a good start! I’ve got some important updates that I’d like to share with everyone as we wrap up this first month of 2016.
First of all, I am happy to (finally!) officially announce here that I am now hosting a live edition of The Realist Report every Friday evening over on Renegade Broadcasting! The live two hour broadcast will begin at 5 p.m. Pacific (8 p.m. Eastern) every Friday evening – you can listen live simply by visiting Renegade Broadcasting.
John Friend at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge just south of Burns, Oregon.
I actually began hosting a live edition of The Realist Report on Renegade almost two weeks ago. On Friday, January 8, I interviewed my good friend Sean Daly who drove up to help me cover the on-going standoff at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in southeastern Oregon.
Last Friday, I interviewed the legendary John Kaminski, one of the most insightful and powerful commentators in the independent media today. We discussed a number of subjects, including the situation in Oregon. This Friday, January 22, Sofia Smallstorm will join me on The Realist Report live on Renegade Broadcasting. Be sure to tune in if you can!
Going forward, all of the live broadcasts of The Realist Report on Renegade Broadcasting will be freely available and posted following the broadcast. The podcast programs that I host and conduct independently will generally consist of a shorter introductory segment (25-35 minutes) which will be freely available to the public, followed by a longer, in-depth segment (1-2 hours) which will be categorized as Exclusive Members Only Content available only to paid subscribing members to The Realist Report.
Speaking of the subscription feature of this website, I am glad to announce that as of today, we have a total of 54 subscribers, the vast majority of whom are Lifetime Members. I made a goal of obtaining at least 100 subscribers by March 1, 2016, and we are well over half way there! Thank you for the support!
Please note, the Lifetime Membership option, which is only $75, will be eliminated on March 1. Take advantage of this offer while you can!
After March 1, annual and monthly memberships will be available. However, different options and price ranges will be offered (I’m giving everyone a heads up now!).
A monthly membership will be $10 per month. A three month membership will remain $25. A new six month membership will be offered at a price of $40. An annual membership will increase in price to $60. Those who have already purchased a three month or annual membership will see their fees increase if they wish to renew their subscription.
Again, I’d like to emphasize the Lifetime Membership option, and encourage those of you who appreciate and support the work we are doing here to consider taking advantage of this deal! All the details are here.
The final update I’d like to announce is that we have set up a Donate page, where supporters can contribute financially to keep this website online and help it grow and expand, producing hard-hitting, truly unique content on a daily basis for years to come.
Donations will be utilized for maintaining TheRealistReport.com as well as for financing independent investigations we have and will continue to conduct in the future. Since we launched the subscription feature and announced our commitment to engage in this type of independent, unabashedly pro-White journalism and activism, we have already conducted major independent investigations into the alleged San Bernardino terrorist shooting (see here) as well as the #OregonStandoff (see here and here).
We have also covered a Donald Trump rally in Las Vegas. We hope to acquire better video and audio equipment in the near future, and expand our video productions and investigations. Of course, covering major events, speeches, conferences, and other happenings oftentimes requires traveling, sometimes great distances, so donations will also be used to finance traveling expenses as well.
Be sure to check out the Donate to The Realist Report! page located directly under the About section in the main menu bar for more details and donation options. You can also simply click the Donate Now image in the upper right-hand sidebar of this website and you will be redirected to the Donate page.
I am determined to continue and expand the type of independent journalism, blogging, podcasting, and activism I have a long history of engaging in, and I need your support. As is becoming increasingly obvious, there are a variety of very serious problems facing our society, and we have to do something about it. The first step, in my opinion, is to provide moral and intellectual clarity on the many issues we are dealing with here on The Realist Report, which include racial realism, historical revisionism, 9/11 Truth, and the Jewish Problem. We have the ability to set the record straight and tell the truth about a variety of controversial and critical topics, and that’s what I aim to do in an honest, objective, and transparent manner.
I am very excited for what this year will bring. I predict we will continue to see more and more people consulting the alternative, independent media, relying on websites like The Realist Report for truthful political and historical analysis as well as honest, objective journalism.
John Friend interviewing the head of security at the #OregonStandoff at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.
Additionally, I predict we will continue to see the mainstream political and media establishment discredit itself. It’s becoming increasingly obvious that we are being lied to, deceived, cheated, and manipulated, and people are rightfully fed up and looking for alternative perspectives and answers. That’s where The Realist Report steps in.
I feel so honored and truly blessed to be playing such an active role in this lifelong struggle. I am determined and dedicated. I know we will prevail, much sooner than many realize.
I hope you will consider subscribing to The Realist Report to support the important work we are doing. All of the details for subscribing are here. And of course, feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions or feedback.
Many thanks to everyone who has and continues to support my work. Without you, none of this would be possible.
John Friend
