Upcoming Events and Updates from The Realist Report

Hello readers, listeners, and supporters,
I am happy to announce that I will be attending and covering two major conferences in the coming weeks.
On Saturday, February 13, I will be attending the Traditionalist Worker Party Conference in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The conference is being organized by Matt Heimbach, one of the leading pro-White activists and nationalists in the United States today. Matt, the leader of the Traditionalist Worker Party, has appeared as a guest on The Realist Report in the past – be sure to listen to that podcast if you have not already.

I am very excited for this conference. I hope to get some good video footage and interviews while attending. I will likely be speaking at the Conference as well.
More details about the conference will be made available in the near future. For those in the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania area, consider making an appearance at the Conference! Please feel free to contact me with any questions or if you plan on attending.
On Saturday, March 5, I will be attending the annual winter event/conference organized by The National Policy Institute. The upcoming evening conference is entitled “Identity Politics,” and will feature speeches from Dr. Kevin MacDonald, Ramzpaul, and Richard Spencer, the President of The National Policy Institute. The conference will be held in the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, DC.

NPI Events, the official website for the conferences and events organized by The National Policy Institute, describes the upcoming conference this way:

Donald Trump has disrupted business as usual . . . he’s uncovered the gulf separating the Republican Party from the people who vote for it . . . he’s defeated the billionaire donors by being one himself . . . he’s taken celebrity culture and turned it into nationalism . . . he’s the candidate from the heartland and the candidate from the Internet . . .
Most of all, Trump has—perhaps unknowingly, perhaps instinctively—raised the specter of identity politics.
On March 5, 2016, The National Policy Institute will host its annual winter event, in the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, DC.
Kevin MacDonald, Ramzpaul, and Richard Spencer will speak on the question of identity politics, and its relevance to political currents, changing demographics, and the future of European identity and consciousness.

The NPI conference will surely be an interesting event, to say the least. I have already connected with a number of individuals who plan on attending the conference. Again, feel free to contact me if you plan on going and want to meet up while in DC.
As I mentioned in the last Updates from The Realist Report post, I am now hosting a live edition of The Realist Report every Friday evening over on Renegade Broadcasting. The live two hour broadcast will begin at 5 p.m. Pacific (8 p.m. Eastern) every Friday evening – you can listen live simply by visiting Renegade Broadcasting.
All of the live broadcasts of The Realist Report on Renegade Broadcasting will be freely available and posted here following the broadcast. The podcast programs that I host and conduct independently will generally consist of a shorter introductory segment (25-45 minutes) which will be freely available to the public, followed by a longer, in-depth segment (1-2 hours) which will be categorized as Exclusive Members Only Content available only to paid subscribing members to The Realist Report.
As of this posting, there are a total of 66 subscribers to The Realist Report, the vast majority of whom are Lifetime Members. I made a goal of obtaining at least 100 subscribers by March 1, 2016, and we are well on our way to reaching that goal!
Thanks to everyone who has subscribed thus far! We are only 44 subscribers short of reaching our goal, and we have exactly 27 days until March 1. I’m confident at least 44 individuals will subscribe to The Realist Report before March 1. Details for subscribing are here.
Please note, the Lifetime Membership option, which is only $75, will be eliminated on March 1. Take advantage of this offer while you can!
After March 1, annual and monthly memberships will be available. However, different options and price ranges will be offered (I’m giving everyone a heads up now!).
A monthly membership will be $10 per month. A three month membership will remain $25. A new six month membership will be offered at a price of $40. An annual membership will increase in price to $60. Those who have already purchased a three month or annual membership will see their fees increase if they wish to renew their subscription.
Again, I’d like to emphasize the Lifetime Membership option, and encourage those of you who appreciate and support the work we are doing here to consider taking advantage of this deal! All the details are here.
In addition to offering subscriptions to Exclusive Members Only Content, I’d also encourage readers and listeners to consider donating to The Realist Report to support our efforts. Your generous donation will not only keep this website online, it will help it grow and expand, producing hard-hitting, truly unique content on a daily basis for years to come.
We are in this for the long haul folks, and we have a lot of work to do to set the record straight on a number of important topics – help us out if you can!
Donations will be utilized for maintaining TheRealistReport.com as well as for financing independent investigations we have and will continue to conduct in the future and covering major events and conferences. Of course, covering major events, speeches, conferences, and other happenings oftentimes requires traveling, sometimes great distances, so donations will also be used to finance traveling expenses as well. Ever dollar helps folks!
Be sure to check out the Donate to The Realist Report! page located directly under the About section in the main menu bar for more details and donation options. You can also simply click the Donate Now image in the upper right-hand sidebar of this website and you will be redirected to the Donate page.
I need your support now more than ever folks. I am determined to continue and expand the type of independent journalism, blogging, podcasting, and activism I have a long history of engaging in. We have to take this to the next level – and we will!
I truly feel honored and blessed to be playing such an active role in this lifelong struggle for truth and justice. I am determined and dedicated. I know we will prevail, much sooner than many realize.
I hope you will consider subscribing to The Realist Report to support the important work we are doing. All of the details for subscribing are here. And of course, feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions or feedback.
Many thanks to everyone who has and continues to support my work. Without you, none of this would be possible.
John Friend
To help cover traveling expenses for the upcoming conferences, please consider donating to The Realist Report. Donation options are available below, or on the Donate to The Realist Report! page
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