Understanding Our True Enemy... An Important List Of Facts That That Everyone Should Know!

I am one that constantly is in awe of how truly evil the true enemy of mankind is.... I have long thought by this time that most everyone would have awakened to the dangers that this "tribe" presents for our planet, especially now considering their long planned implosion of the world economies is definitely at hand... However, from what I see, and very sadly, most people still do not understand the true nature of this "tribe" and what they are all about...I came across a most important list that was sent to me via email from some other real truth seekers, and I want to share it right here with all of my own readers... It is called: "Who Are The Jews?" and I have it right here for everyone to view for themselves.. I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:WHO ARE THE JEWS ?​We invented Communism. We are behind radical feminism.​​We are behind homosexualism and “gay marriage”.We are behind multiculturalism.We are behind anti-Christianity.We are behind a one world government.We are the “divider and conqueror”.We are the race baiter and the slave trader.We are censorship of free speech & the Truth. We are anti-gun.We are open borders.We are eminent domain.We are against English as the official language of the government.We are a dual citizen with loyalty not to your nation.We are the reason your daughter has low self esteem and desperately dresses like a whore.We are the Federal Reserve, Wall Street, central banking and big corporate money.We are usury, fractional reserve lending, world currency and fiat money.We are AIPAC, NareBLA, ACLU, ADL, NAACP, SPLC.We are the MSM, Hollywood, tabloid journalism and pornography.We are the corrupt judicial system that frees the guilty and imprisons the innocent.We are the nation’s high end drug dealer.We are the re-writer of history to my advantage.We are the military industrial complex.We are an unregulated nuclear state.We are an international terrorist.We are the WTC ’93, OKC ’95, 911, the Lavon Affair and the USS Liberty incident.We are “war by way of deception”.We are the aggressor, yet always the victim.We are the eternal radical.We believe that chaos equals cash and that gray equals green.We will defraud your country without conscience or consequence.We legislate from the bench, not from the Constitution.We contrive to make the simplest notion complicated.We succeed when you fail.We have murdered more innocents than any others.We are your last, your current and your next war.Who are WE?“It's the JEWS, stupid”  !!!NTS Notes:  I can guarantee that I will again be called their usual "antisemite" for presenting this list for everyone to see, and I again challenge them to come out and prove any of the facts presented to be wrong...It is indeed troubling that most people still do not get it, and cannot identify who our true enemy truly is... That is why it is important for everyone to take that list and copy it for themselves to use for their own articles, blogs, or to simply pass around for everyone to see for themselves... The truth must be told!More to comeNTS