Ukraine: Sniper historical rewrite & Ukraine terrorists captured in Russia

This news item got me thinking about how we are saddled with official state sanctioned versions of history. Explaining our collective ignorance. In this article we can see/read and understand how the future is written by those who control the present through reinforcing lies albeit officially sanctioned lies.

A draft resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe strongly condemns the Ukrainian authorities’ use of snipers and firearms against protests in the country’s capital in February known as Euromaidan, according to the document, which was obtained by RIA Novosti.

So, it is written. But that doesn't make it truth. Because readers here know that the snipers and firearms belonged to those affiliated with the 'protests' at the Maidan.

The text of the resolution slams the involvement of snipers and the use of firearms against protesters by the Ukrainian authorities and says that such actions are unacceptable.

The resolution further aims to conduct a thorough investigation into the deaths and possible human rights violations connected with the events on the Maidan, which added it is also crucial to identify the perpetrators of violence and bring them to justice.

 Clearly the resolution aims to shore up an official state (EU& US) sanctioned narrative and nothing moreThey (PACE) have already blamed those they wish to blame- The Ukrainian authoritiesThey (PACE) are crying crocodile tears over the use of snipers and firearms.Still the Parliamantery Assembly has to blame someone. In order to reinforce the belief in their validity. And to support their officially concocted narrative.

Acting Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov announced the results of an investigation last week laying the blame on Yanukovych

However- As is widely known, unless one has their head buried in the sand? Readers here know! Cause they're a bunch of smart & dam good lookin' people  ;-)

 A taped phone conversation between Catherine Ashton, the EU's foreign policy chief and Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet was leaked to the web in late February, in which Paet told Ashton that "Yanukovych was not the one behind the sniper attack, but rather someone from the new coalition."

Estonia Foreign Minister, Katherine Ashton and whose snipers?



 Inconveniently for the liars in the EU

 Lavrov said Russia has "massive evidence" that contradicts the results of Ukraine's investigation. He said Moscow has valid proof pointing to a group of Right Sector radicals possibly in charge of the sniper attacks.

One last item:

 In a symmetrical move, Russia detained 25 Ukrainians last Thursday, including three activists of the radical Right Sector movement, on suspicion of planning terrorist attacks in the country.

Russia has already had the Afghanistan experience- Experience should bring wisdom and knowledge Initially Kiev was claiming the Russian detainment of the Ukrainians was not true, but, it turned out to be absolutely true- Ukraine 'scrambles' for info on their terroristsUh, oh an inconvenient truth!

Ukrainian journalists are reporting that at least some of Russia's claims are true -- and that at least three of the alleged suspects actually exist and are being held in detention.The three men -- Vitaliy Kryvosheyev, Artyom Holovko, and Kirill Pilipenko -- were shown on Russian TV reports, allegedly giving testimony about the group's intent to carry out terrorist acts in seven Russian regions in the days before Crimea's referendum on Russian annexation.

Kryvosheyev can be seen identifying himself as the head of a nationalist group called the Ukrainian National Union, and makes the startling claim he was taking his instructions directly from the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU). The report alleges the men were also working closely with Right Sector, the armed nationalist group that is a target of particular Kremlin vitriol.Relatives of Kryvosheyev, 27, and Holovko, 32, say both men traveled by bus from Kharkiv to Russia on March 14 to work for a branch of a Ukrainian photography company. (Art students, anybody?)

A photography company? Suuuuuuure........

 Several sources confirmed Kryvosheyev's ties to the Ukrainian National Union

Oh my!