Ukraine Deflection off Biden to Trump Is Pure Democrat Genius

When it comes to marketing, one of the most basic and yet most important skills is the ability to turn your weakness into a strength or more importantly the enemy’s strength into a weakness. If your enemy is experienced call him “old and out of touch” if he is young and brash call him “dangerous and inexperienced”. In a war of words always go right for the enemy’s strength head on. And this is what the Democrats may be doing right now turning Joe Biden’s biggest weakness, his corruption scandal in Ukraine, into a means to attack Trump, who is being anonymously accused of pushing for Kiev to interfere in thе 2020 Presidential Elections.
The “whistleblower” against Trump’s supposed Ukrainian iltelligence blackmail plot, sent his accusation to Richard Burr, the Chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence of the United States Senate and from there it hit the media. CNN’s chosen headline perfectly describes what is probably the key motivation behind this attack on Trump…

“Washington at war: Dems aim for speedy impeachment push as Trump threatens whistleblower”

“Speedy impeachment” is the name of the game. Since the moment Trump took office and even before it, there have been calls for impeachment. Funny that impeachment is charging an official with some sort of crime or wrongdoing, meaning Trump has been “guilty” of something since even before he had the opportunity to commit any crimes. Sadly the idea of impeachment in the 21st century, especially after the Clinton/Lewinsky fiasco, has transformed from a matter of justice to a matter of getting the person I don’t like out of office. This sounds funny on the surface but an actual overthrow of a popular US President (like it or not Trump has relatively good approval ratings and plays ball with the military) could lead to Civil War 2.0, but thankfully scandal fatigue has set in and this is unlikely to happen, but more on that later.
Trump’s reaction to this latest scandal was very “constitutional” which is a good thing to hear from an US leader…
“Like every American, I deserve to meet my accuser, especially when this accuser, the so-called ‘Whistleblower,’”
He also stated that his recollection of the phone call was very different from the anonymous source’s version. This means that if, as Trump put it “Schiff made up what I actually said by lying to Congress”, then the President of the United States of America’s career is under by the same means that teenagers use to get a day off of school – calling in a fake threat. If The Donald’s words are true, then we have really reached the basement of childish political discourse in America. At least other Presidents had the decency of being shot, Trump is being ground to bits by the unending and everchanging rumor mill.
Trump’s ability to survive media scandal is unparalleled, but this new one could call for more hearings to bog down his presidency further and completely halt operations. Getting rid of Trump would be best for some in the Beltway elite, but stagnation is a good second option.
Biden and his son’s actions in Ukraine are not news nor do they require any work by the Ukrainian secret service to “dig up” anything. The profiteering they did from the Maidan chaos is not at all news and had already been exposed years ago. There was never a need for Trump to hunt for dirt on Biden & Son in Kiev, because their actions were done totally in the open.
Beyond the search for the already known, the Regime in Kiev is Russia’s number 1 thorn-in-the-side, digging deep into the Russian soul for years already. A Manchurian Trump who serves Putin would not work with Zelinsky on any projects (or provide him with arms), in fact he would have abandoned the former comedian to the Russian dogs long ago.
So the question to the Democrats is, which conspiracy should we believe: that Trump is in with the Russians or in with the Kiev crew? Because they are on exact opposite sides of global ideological battle that we see ourselves in. Then again he could be working with both of them playing “3D Hitlerian chess” or something. Solid reasoning doesn’t matter when you need an impeachment and you need it now.
Although they are unable to pick viable presidential candidates, if the Democrats are behind this new “nothing burger” then they are truly geniuses or marketing. Biden’s gas and money grab in Ukraine on the corpses of the thousands who died as a result of the political changes there, have now been transfered onto Trump. Search endings will link “Ukraine scandal” to Trump and Joe will be free from search engine scruitinty. Deflecting Ukraine away from Biden onto Trump is simply brilliant if it was done on purpose, which is of course, impossible to prove.
This could stall Trump but ultimately it probably won’t be a game changer in terms of the elections. It is a gorgeous individual tactical move that isn’t part of a viable overall strategу to get rid of the Orange Man forever. Like every attack on Trump “this too shall pass” and America will continue to be made Great Again at a snail’s pace.